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Tabitha Stevens
in Relationships

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Tabitha Stevens responds very strongly to the emotional tone and atmosphere around her, and can be dominated by her fluctuating and unpredictable moods. Stevens often appears irrational to others because she cannot always explain the reason or source of her feelings. Anyone who lives with Tabitha Stevens must accept her ups and downs and appreciate Tabitha's need for times of withdrawal.

Tabitha Stevens is also very sympathetic and understands the unspoken feelings and needs of others. Tabitha Stevens takes slights and rebuffs very personally and though she may forgive a transgression by a friend or loved one, she never forgets it.

Tabitha Stevens has a soft exterior and tends to relate very personally and sympathetically to other people. However, Tabitha sometimes lets her emotions overpower her reasoning and logic, and consequently she is sometimes biased in her opinions. Tabitha Stevens is impressionable and rather gentle, or at least that is the way she comes across. Tabitha wears her heart on her sleeves and cannot hide her emotions.

Tabitha Stevens feels that little, daily acts of caring and thoughtfulness are essential to the happiness and success of relationships and she knows how to make others feel accepted, loved and cherished. She enjoys good relationships with women.

She is easygoing, agreeable and tolerant, willing to overlook others' mistakes, forget the past, and begin anew on a positive note. She enjoys making others comfortable and happy, and she sometimes overdoes her generosity. Tabitha Stevens often feels that "everything will turn out all right no matter what I do", thereby becoming lazy and lackadaisical.

There is another side to Tabitha Stevens as well, a rather introverted, self-contained, even pessimistic side which tempers her good cheer and generosity, as discussed below.

She is dedicated to the people she cares about and conscientious about fulfilling her responsibilities, especially to family. Family solidarity and cohesiveness are very important to Tabitha Stevens; accordingly, so are the traditions, rituals, and memories that keep the bonds strong.

Tabitha Stevens is apt to do more than her fair share in the family and go the extra mile, but for the most part this is satisfying rather than burdensome to her.

In addition to Tabitha's rather introverted, serious or self-contained side, she has a wild streak and urge for emotional freedom that breaks through erratically. Tabitha Stevens craves both stability and excitement, and the conflict between these two impulses can make Stevens rather tense and irritable. However, they can also balance each other out. Her freer and unpredictable side will now be described.

Tabitha Stevens craves excitement, change and discovery, and cannot tolerate a routine or lifestyle that offers little in the way of surprise or challenge. Excitable, spontaneous and enthusiastic about anything new, she may be perceived by others as being too impulsive, especially in personal relationships. It is not easy for Tabitha Stevens to make or keep commitments, since she does not know how she will be feeling from one day to the next. Emotional freedom is very important to Stevens. Her domestic life may be very unstable - but Stevens likes it that way.

She is hard-working and tends to work till she collapses. Forceful and aggressive, Tabitha Stevens comes on strong and has a tendency to be abusive when frustrated. Stevens must learn to relax in order to avoid suffering total emotional or physical exhaustion.

Tremendously softhearted and sympathetic, Tabitha Stevens gives very selflessly and devotedly to those she loves and often allows others to become overly dependent upon her. More compassionate than passionate, Tabitha Stevens may become romantically involved with a person because she or she expresses a need for love, rather than out of mutual pleasure or attraction.

She is drawn to sensitive, imaginative, gentle souls - poets, musicians, dreamers - or to someone Tabitha feels she can have a deep spiritual relationship with. Tabitha Stevens idealizes love and has a very beautiful, romantic vision of what love relationships can be.

Promoting beauty, the arts or entertainment can make Tabitha Stevens very happy. Tabitha wants to contribute something positive and loving to the world at large and she wants to be recognized for her beauty, artistic gifts or loving generosity. Tabitha Stevens may be "married to" her work - namely she may be more involved in her career than in her private life. Stevens is a natural host or diplomat.

Tabitha Stevens appreciates beautiful surroundings and congenial company, and though she enjoys helping people, Tabitha Stevens will rarely put herself out too much in the process. She is good-humored and generous at heart but inclined to be lazy.

Tabitha's pleasure-loving nature and her emotional and material generosity discussed above are counterbalanced by a certain caution or restraint in expressing her affection, and by a fear of heartache. At times Tabitha Stevens is likely to be the jovial, friendly, rather extravagant person mentioned previously, but at other times she is far more contained as described here. Because she is upbeat and fun-loving, people probably do not suspect how sensitive Stevens is to being left out or unappreciated.

In love relationships and romance, it is important for Tabitha Stevens to be able to deeply respect her partner. Tabitha looks beyond the superficial qualities to see their inner worth (or lack thereof), before she lets herself really fall for someone. In fact, too much glamour or flashiness is something of a turn-off for her. Tabitha Stevens is capable of mature, lasting, loving relationships and seeks a mate who is deep, loyal, and committed. She may be drawn to someone older than her.

Tabitha Stevens has a very romantic, idealistic vision of love relationships and may be disillusioned to discover that no real, flesh-and-blood human being ever quite lives up to her dream image of the "perfect love". Though Tabitha frequently fantasizes about love and romance - she may avoid becoming intimately involved with anyone or making definite commitments. When it comes to love, Stevens can be evasive and dishonest with herself and others. Some of Stevens' love yearnings may be expressed through art, music or an involvement with mysticism.

Tabitha tries to understand others completely and has the ability to feel their joy with them and also to suffer with them. When Tabitha Stevens loves someone, she loves with her whole heart and is inclined to reveal her most inner and private feelings.

Astrological factors in this Astro Profile section:

Moon in Cancer

Moon in 1st house

Moon Trine Venus

Moon Trine Jupiter

Moon aspects Jupiter and Saturn

Moon Sextile Saturn

Moon aspects Saturn and Uranus

Moon Square Uranus

Moon Conjunct Mars/Pluto

Venus in Pisces

Venus in 10th house

Venus Trine Jupiter

Venus aspects Jupiter and Saturn

Venus Sextile Saturn

Venus Square Neptune

Venus Conjunct N. Node/MC


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Astro Profile for your personal self-improvement

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Photo Credit: Tabitha Stevens' picture is courtesy of Tabitha Stevens. Photographic illustrations of Tabitha Stevens are copyright © by their respective holders. The images are published with permission or as allowed by the copyright law's fair use or quotation provisions. If any copyright holder objects to an image being included, please notify us and it will be removed immediately.

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Disclaimer: This information about Tabitha Stevens is derived from astrological interpretation of Tabitha Stevens' date, time, and place of birth.

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