Kevin Spacey in Relationships
Kevin Spacey has frequent emotional outbursts due to his fiery temper and emotional impulsiveness. Spacey expresses himself very directly and honestly and no one has to guess what his true feelings are. However, Kevin Spacey dislikes showing any personal weakness or his need for support, comfort and nurturing. He is often impatient with himself and others. Kevin abhors emotional dependency and dislikes "complainers".
Kevin Spacey inspires others to take positive action in their lives through his own enthusiasm and eagerness to meet life's challenges, and he is attracted to people who are adventurous, courageous and independent. Kevin is rather bossy but does not like to be with people that he can boss around too much. He enjoys a good fight sometimes. Relationships that are built on mutual respect and emotional freedom are ideal for Spacey.
Kevin Spacey becomes very cross if he lacks vigorous physical activity. Spacey feels his best if he frequently "does battle" on the tennis or racquetball court (or engages in another form of competitive sport).
Spacey depends a great deal upon other people for emotional support and he has a large "family" of friends who care about him and treat him as kin. The women in Kevin's life are particularly important to him, and his relationships with them have a powerful impact on his sense of security and happiness. Kevin Spacey may be overly dependent and unsure of himself without a close partner.
He is prone to be overly indulgent, overly permissive, overly generous and disinclined to budget or diet or set reasonable limits for himself or others. Subconsciously Kevin Spacey feels entitled to bounty, and sees no reason to be deprived. At his worst, Spacey can be greedy but insatiable, and addicted to "the good life". However, if other factors in his chart indicate a capacity for discipline and prudence, there is a positive side to Kevin's emotional indulgence - Spacey tends to be quite charitable and tolerant, freely giving and willing to embrace others despite their shortcomings.
His emotional tension could be quite strong and the pressure may seem unbearable at times. He may have a sudden desire to liberate himself from the stress and may release his tension towards women. Kevin Spacey could also feel lonely and depressed at times.
He is quietly devoted and faithful to his loved ones and often becomes subservient to his love partner. Kevin Spacey is more comfortable showing his love by doing or making something for his loved one, or simply being there for her, rather than by making any romantic, soul-stirring declarations. He is timid about expressing too much sentiment or emotion. Kevin Spacey also underestimates his attractiveness and lovability and doubts his own worthiness of love and appreciation.
Spacey is a very sociable, congenial person and he wilts very quickly without relationships with good friends and people to share good times with. Kevin Spacey thoroughly enjoys working with others on group projects or community activities. He is quite happy when he is a part of a club, support group or team of some sort.
Kevin Spacey has a need to mix with people expressing the same feelings and having the same interests that he has. Kevin shares his artistic concerns with others and is likely to join groups or associations that deal with art in some way.
He is inclined to have sudden attachments to others and may fall in love quickly. Kevin Spacey warms up to people very rapidly, even if he sees them only once. In fact, Kevin probably prefers a lot of changes in his relationships.
Others may get the impression that Kevin Spacey considers personal relationships not very important, as he may pretend to have feelings for someone when he really does not. Kevin Spacey would make a very good actor playing the part of a lover.
Astrological factors in this Astro Profile section:
Moon in Aries
Moon in 7th house
Moon Quincunx Jupiter
Moon Opposition Saturn/Uranus
Venus in Virgo
Venus in 11th house
Venus Conjunct Mercury/N. Node
Venus Conjunct Uranus/N. Node
Venus Conjunct Neptune/MC