Elio de Angelis in Relationships
Elio de Angelis has frequent emotional outbursts due to his fiery temper and emotional impulsiveness. de Angelis expresses himself very directly and honestly and no one has to guess what his true feelings are. However, Elio de Angelis dislikes showing any personal weakness or his need for support, comfort and nurturing. He is often impatient with himself and others. Elio abhors emotional dependency and dislikes "complainers".
Elio de Angelis inspires others to take positive action in their lives through his own enthusiasm and eagerness to meet life's challenges, and he is attracted to people who are adventurous, courageous and independent. Elio is rather bossy but does not like to be with people that he can boss around too much. He enjoys a good fight sometimes. Relationships that are built on mutual respect and emotional freedom are ideal for de Angelis.
Elio de Angelis becomes very cross if he lacks vigorous physical activity. de Angelis feels his best if he frequently "does battle" on the tennis or racquetball court (or engages in another form of competitive sport).
Though he yearns for close relationships, Elio de Angelis often closes himself off and does not really trust others who may wish to get to know him. de Angelis is very wholehearted in his feelings and responses to people, and he wants all or nothing from the people he cares for.
de Angelis is rambunctious and a little rowdy at times, and he enjoys sharing this kind of energy with his friends. Making noise, cheering at a football game or even getting into a friendly fight all seem like good fun to him. In fact, Elio de Angelis needs to do these things - otherwise he gets crabby.
Although he is impetuous and easily provoked (as mentioned above), Elio de Angelis also has a good-natured, live-and-let-live attitude and a sense of humor, which balances it all out. While hotheaded at times, he is usually a good sport.
He is prone to be overly indulgent, overly permissive, overly generous and disinclined to budget or diet or set reasonable limits for himself or others. Subconsciously Elio de Angelis feels entitled to bounty, and sees no reason to be deprived. At his worst, de Angelis can be greedy but insatiable, and addicted to "the good life". However, if other factors in his chart indicate a capacity for discipline and prudence, there is a positive side to Elio's emotional indulgence - de Angelis tends to be quite charitable and tolerant, freely giving and willing to embrace others despite their shortcomings.
Although Elio de Angelis was portrayed above as being assertive and combative, he also has a diametrically opposed tendency - namely the urge to escape all contention and ugliness. This may mellow Elio's fiery reactions somewhat, or he may seesaw between the two. His softer side is described in the following paragraphs.
Highly sensitive and rather easily taken in, Elio de Angelis needs to beware of deceiving himself and allowing others to take advantage of his impressionability or gentleness. Daydreaming, fantasizing or other forms of imaginative, escapist behavior (such as watching television excessively or living his life through romance novels) could be something of an addiction for de Angelis. Elio de Angelis tends to confuse images with reality and needs to learn to be more circumspect and discriminating. Disenchantment with women and close relationships could ensue as a result.
Powerful and complex emotions stir Elio de Angelis, and his emotional life and closest personal relationships are liable to be tumultuous until Elio does some deep soul searching. Buried feelings and memories that he does not want to deal with may surface at unexpected times. Holding in fears, secrets or "taboo" thoughts and feelings can only intensify them, and Elio de Angelis needs to share them with someone who is sympathetic, trustworthy and fairly objective. Ridding himself of emotional compulsions and deeply embedded patterns that do not serve him can be tremendously liberating if Elio de Angelis is willing to do the necessary inner house cleaning.
Elio de Angelis has a very rich emotional life and the ability to do the right thing at the right moment. Through an appeal to the feelings, he is able to influence the public; de Angelis may have the desire to work in some capacity to bring about social improvements.
He is subject to strange emotional experiences which could relate to the supernatural. Very sensitive, Elio de Angelis immediately responds to every influence, resulting in frequent changes of mood. He may be interested in the occult, psychic studies and spiritualism.
His emotional life tends to be a bit strange and he is likely to fantasize a lot and to weave a web of illusions. Easily swayed by the needs of others, Elio de Angelis must learn not to take on others problems and also guard against others deceiving him.
His emotional flow seems to be blocked in some way and de Angelis may feel inhibited when he is with others. Elio de Angelis is likely to have a certain fear of crowds and may have a tendency to be agoraphobic.
Elio has an instinctive understanding of other people and is very sympathetic toward them. Relationships are very important to Elio de Angelis, and he is likely to feel a strong inner bond with many of his friends.
He is open and unconventional in his attitude towards love relationships, romance and sex. He enjoys socializing, bringing people together and having many friends of both sexes. Elio de Angelis values friendship very highly and in fact, he is more comfortable being a friend than a lover. Elio desires an intellectual rapport or spiritual bond with his love partner, but deep intimacy and emotional bonding do not come easily to him. The traditional "husband" and "wife" roles do not appeal to de Angelis, and he abhors jealousy and possessiveness since he feels that no person truly "belongs" to another. Elio de Angelis appreciates relationships in which his love partner allows him plenty of freedom and is not very emotionally demanding.
When he cares about someone, Elio de Angelis likes to show his affection with small favors or tangible gestures.
Elio de Angelis also has considerable artistic or creative skill. In fact, Elio is suited for a profession involving beauty or pleasure or making people happy in one form or another.
He may be subject to periodic changes of mood, is serious, somewhat somber, and he seems to lack confidence in himself and could have trouble giving of his. Elio de Angelis tends to avoid close relationships, expecting to be disappointed if he lets anyone come too close.
Others may get the impression that Elio de Angelis considers personal relationships not very important, as he may pretend to have feelings for someone when he really does not. Elio de Angelis would make a very good actor playing the part of a lover.
Astrological factors in this Astro Profile section:
Moon in Aries
Moon in 8th house
Moon Sextile Mars
Moon aspects Mars and Jupiter
Moon Quincunx Jupiter
Moon aspects Mars and Neptune
Moon Quincunx Neptune
Moon Quincunx Pluto
Moon Opposition Jupiter/Pluto
Moon Opposition Neptune/Pluto
Moon Opposition Neptune/Asc.
Moon Opposition Pluto/N. Node
Moon Opposition N. Node/Asc.
Venus in Aquarius
Venus in 6th house
Venus Conjunct Moon/Saturn
Venus Opposition Neptune/MC