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Pietro Badoglio

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Pietro Badoglio
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Tenderhearted and sympathetic to an unusual degree, Pietro Badoglio has an understanding of other people's feelings and needs which borders on telepathy. Pietro Badoglio is extremely compassionate and cannot bear to see any fellow creature - human or animal - suffer. Because of his kindness and nonjudgmental attitude, people suffering from pain or confusion are drawn to Badoglio for help, which he readily gives. Sometimes Badoglio's soft-heartedness is taken advantage of.

He is a gentle, poetic soul and has a great love and affinity for music. Because many of his feelings are vague and he cannot easily verbalize how he experiences life, music seems a natural language for Badoglio. He is also extremely romantic and often "in love with love".

Pietro Badoglio may have done extensive traveling in his early years, or in some way had a background which enables him to understand and identify with many different types of people or cultures.

Badoglio has a craving for things which are far away and foreign or for things he has never experienced before. Pietro Badoglio wants to completely immerse himself in the feelings and tastes of a new place, rather than simply have facts or an intellectual appreciation. Emotionally, too, Pietro is restless and something of a wanderer.

He is easygoing, agreeable and tolerant, willing to overlook others' mistakes, forget the past, and begin anew on a positive note. He enjoys making others comfortable and happy, and he sometimes overdoes his generosity. Pietro Badoglio often feels that "everything will turn out all right no matter what I do", thereby becoming lazy and lackadaisical.

He is warm and affectionate in his relationships with others and has the ability to see the others' point of view, which is greatly appreciated by those around him. Pietro Badoglio is emotionally well balanced and also has a well developed intellectual grasp.

Pietro Badoglio has a good perception and feeling of beauty and may have a talent for painting or drawing. Pietro Badoglio has a magnetic charm and is refined and calm when he is with people. Pietro has the ability to win people over by what he says and how he says it.

Pietro Badoglio possesses the gifts of tact, courtesy and consideration, and has a strong desire to please and understand his love partner. Because he values harmony so highly, Pietro Badoglio will compromise a great deal to avoid any discord or conflict in his relationships. Pietro does not like to dwell on controversial or emotional subjects and often tries to "smooth things over" or "sweep them under the rug".

In love relationships, Pietro Badoglio wants an intellectual peer, an equal and a friend. He is attracted to people who have a certain finesse, delicacy and subtlety. Pietro Badoglio appreciates good manners and refinement and is not happy with coarseness or bluntness in a person.

Beautiful, elegant, and harmonious surroundings are very important to Pietro Badoglio, and he has an innate sense of style, design, and form. Socially, also, good form and politeness are important to Badoglio and he instinctively avoids crudeness and dissonance.

He enjoys talking about love, relationships, art and the beautiful side of life. Pietro Badoglio appreciates artistic people.

Pietro Badoglio has a great rapport with the opposite sex, and love relationships, romance, and passion are absolutely vital to his well-being. It is rare for Pietro to go very long without an intimate companion. The physical component of relationships is also very important to Badoglio. Artistic creations and projects are another way for Pietro Badoglio to channel his passion.

He is serious and finds it difficult to enjoy himself in a lighthearted, open and playful way with others. Pietro Badoglio rarely does something purely for pleasure, and can be very close-fisted and parsimonious. Perhaps due to painful separations in his early life, Pietro is very cautious about becoming involved in close relationships and sharing his feelings. Though Badoglio craves love and affection, intimacy is difficult for him. He may become romantically involved with people who do not value him or treat him well. Pietro Badoglio needs to learn to love and value himself before he finds happiness in love.

When it comes to love relationships, Badoglio is likely to feel pulled in several directions at once. In addition to his desire for depth and security in his relationships, Pietro Badoglio has an impulsive side and a need for a lot of variety and excitement, as discussed in the following paragraphs. These urges do not have to conflict, but they certainly can, especially if Pietro acts on his spontaneous impulses without much consideration for their long-term effects on his personal life.

He needs a lot of emotional and romantic stimulation, and may not be very interested in having just one mate or love partner. Variety, excitement, spontaneity, and freedom are quite important to Pietro, and "settling down" is not that appealing. Pietro Badoglio tends to surround himself with unusual, creative, unconventional people that keep his life lively. Music or dancing or both play an important part in Badoglio's life.

His erotic nature is strong and Pietro Badoglio is likely to have a lot of romantic relationships. Very unconventional, he may have many unorthodox contacts. Pietro has much zest for life, likes his freedom and finds it difficult to settle down.

Pietro Badoglio has a need for calm and peaceful surrounding, but his somewhat passionate nature could bring on arguments and fights about love matters. Pietro Badoglio loves his work and may connect his profession with a hobby in some way.

Astrological factors in this Astro Profile section:

Moon in Pisces

Moon in 9th house

Moon Trine Jupiter

Moon Opposition Sun/Mercury

Moon Opposition Mercury/Venus

Venus in Libra

Venus in 3rd house

Venus Sextile Mars

Venus Square Saturn

Venus aspects Saturn and Uranus

Venus Sextile Uranus

Venus Conjunct Mars/Uranus

Venus Conjunct Mars/Asc.


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Astro Profile for your personal self-improvement

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Photo Credit: Pietro Badoglio's picture is courtesy of liceo Berchet. Photographic illustrations of Pietro Badoglio are copyright © by their respective holders. The images are published with permission or as allowed by the copyright law's fair use or quotation provisions. If any copyright holder objects to an image being included, please notify us and it will be removed immediately.

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Disclaimer: This information about Pietro Badoglio is derived from astrological interpretation of Pietro Badoglio's date, time, and place of birth.

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