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Götz George

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Götz George
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Götz does not appear to be an intensely emotional or sentimental person, and he is often unaware of his own or other people's deeper feelings and emotional needs. Tears and tantrums bewilder him and make him very uncomfortable. Götz George would rather settle differences by talking things out reasonably and rationally, but he tends to ignore or poke fun at any attempt to probe his own or others' inner depths.

Götz George avoids heavy, demanding emotional relationships and is wary of making personal commitments.

He needs ample mental stimulation and feels close to people with whom he can share thoughts and intellectual interests. Conversation is very important to George. The strong, silent partner is not for him.

Though he yearns for close relationships, Götz George often closes himself off and does not really trust others who may wish to get to know him. George is very wholehearted in his feelings and responses to people, and he wants all or nothing from the people he cares for.

Götz has conflicting emotional desires and needs which complicate his personal life and relationships. He may feel that he cannot depend on his love partner to take care of him or perhaps George cannot decide what he really wants in love relationships: a parent or a lover. If his needs for emotional sustenance and love are not satisfied, overeating (especially sweets) can become a problem.

Götz George has a strong sense of duty, is serious and tends to see everything on the dark side. Götz should guard against emotional inhibition and depression. He prefers to lead a secluded, modest and simple life.

His will tends to be a bit weak and he seems to lack courage. Somewhat slow to take action, Götz George thinks that he will fail because of his inadequacies as a person. He keeps his feelings to himself and should guard against depression and pessimism.

He is inclined to be somewhat gloomy, is easily offended, and he tries to suppress the jealousy he may feel. Götz George may have been brought up to sacrifice and forego a lot of things, making him a bit hard and unyielding in later life.

Emotionally, he is very vulnerable and tends to have his feelings hurt quite easily. He is very impressionable and inclined to suffer states of melancholy or depression. Götz George may choose a profession where he is allowed to be his own boss.

He is quietly devoted and faithful to his loved ones and often becomes subservient to his love partner. Götz George is more comfortable showing his love by doing or making something for his loved one, or simply being there for her, rather than by making any romantic, soul-stirring declarations. He is timid about expressing too much sentiment or emotion. Götz George also underestimates his attractiveness and lovability and doubts his own worthiness of love and appreciation.

George is a very sociable, congenial person and he wilts very quickly without relationships with good friends and people to share good times with. Götz George thoroughly enjoys working with others on group projects or community activities. He is quite happy when he is a part of a club, support group or team of some sort.

Götz has an affectionate nature and is in harmony with his environment. Charming and friendly, he is on good terms with most of the people in his sphere. His friends and associates mean a lot to Götz George and his relationships are positive and loving.

Götz George has a need for calm and peaceful surrounding, but his somewhat passionate nature could bring on arguments and fights about love matters. Götz George loves his work and may connect his profession with a hobby in some way.

Götz does not hold back with his charms and shows everyone what he has to offer. His personality is quite dazzling and enables Götz George to attract many people. His need for affection is strong; and George will probably have very intense love relationships.

Astrological factors in this Astro Profile section:

Moon in Gemini

Moon in 8th house

Moon Square Venus

Moon Conjunct Sun/Saturn

Moon Conjunct Mars/Saturn

Moon Conjunct Saturn/Pluto

Moon Conjunct Saturn/MC

Venus in Virgo

Venus in 11th house

Venus Conjunct Sun/Asc.

Venus Conjunct Mars/Asc.

Venus Conjunct Pluto/Asc.


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Photo Credit: Götz George's picture is courtesy of General Anzeiger Online. Photographic illustrations of Götz George are copyright © by their respective holders. The images are published with permission or as allowed by the copyright law's fair use or quotation provisions. If any copyright holder objects to an image being included, please notify us and it will be removed immediately.

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Disclaimer: This information about Götz George is derived from astrological interpretation of Götz George's date, time, and place of birth.

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