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Estée Lauder

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Estée Lauder
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Warm, loving and generous in her relationships, Estée Lauder inspires tremendous devotion and loyalty in her loved ones. This is good, since she would never settle for anything less! Estée wants to be adored and worshipped like the royalty she feels she is, and it is difficult for anyone to resist the warmth and attention Lauder lavishes on those she cares about. Estée Lauder has a great deal of pride and needs to be recognized and appreciated. The way to really hurt her feelings is to ignore her. She is genuine, sincere, and has a strong sense of personal integrity. Estée Lauder hates emotional games and dishonesty.

Lauder works well with the public and has an instinct for what the public wants and will respond to. Having a "nest" is not especially important to Estée, and she may invest more of her emotional energy into her career or public life than in her private life. Providing and caring for others, in a professional capacity is very likely.

She is tolerant and forgiving and always ready to overlook mistakes and give others a second chance. Estée Lauder expects, and draws out, the best from people and she enjoys making others comfortable and happy. Because of her emotional generosity, her life is rich with friends, and often financial blessings as well.

There is another side to Estée Lauder as well, a rather introverted, self-contained, even pessimistic side which tempers her good cheer and generosity, as discussed below.

Estée Lauder has an inner poise and balance that enables her to act in a cool, efficient manner during emotional trauma and stress. She maintains her perspective and objectivity about highly charged emotional issues - sometimes to the chagrin of others who might wish that Lauder would react more intensely. Estée is quietly supportive and faithful to her friends and loved ones.

In addition to Estée's rather introverted, serious or self-contained side, she has a wild streak and urge for emotional freedom that breaks through erratically. Estée Lauder craves both stability and excitement, and the conflict between these two impulses can make Lauder rather tense and irritable. However, they can also balance each other out. Her freer and unpredictable side will now be described.

Estée Lauder tends to have strange quirks, idiosyncrasies, or domestic habits, and she may feel that she does not fit in with "normal" people. These could be endearing eccentricities, or truly outlandish tastes and behavior. Establishing a steady routine and rhythm in her life and relationships would be very beneficial but may not be easily achieved. Ideally Estée Lauder can create a unique lifestyle that affords her a lot of personal space, freedom, and flexibility to follow her own somewhat erratic rhythms - while at the same time providing some order and consistency. There is a current of emotional discontent or restlessness within Estée also, which may be reflected in unstable personal relationships of the on again/off again variety. Estée Lauder craves change and excitement whether she realizes it consciously or not.

Sensitive and sentimental, Estée Lauder is deeply attached to her family, old friends, familiar places and the past. She is romantic and tender in love relationships, and it is of utmost importance to Lauder to remember birthdays, anniversaries, family rituals and other personally significant days. Estée Lauder seeks caring, emotional support, and security in her love relationships. Estée likes to be needed, as well as to cherish and protect her loved ones, of whom she is somewhat possessive.

Promoting beauty, the arts, or entertainment can make Estée Lauder very happy. Estée wants to contribute something positive and loving to the world at large and she wants to be recognized for her beauty, artistic gifts, or loving generosity. Estée Lauder may "marry" her work - that is, being more involved in her career than in her private life. Lauder is a natural host or diplomat.

Estée Lauder is not a traditionalist where love and relationships are concerned, and she often feels that formal commitments and conventional relationships are too binding and restricting. Thus, Estée is not very comfortable with forming lasting attachments or letting other people depend on her. She may be attracted to wild, unreliable, highly creative and/or unstable people who do not offer her any security. Even if Estée Lauder professes to want something steady and solid, she is very reluctant to give up her freedom and autonomy for its sake. At best, she is suited to serial monogamy or relationships that leave Lauder a lot of breathing space.

She is very romantic, idealistic and imaginative about love relationships. Estée Lauder yearns for her "true love" or "soul mate" and may become disappointed in those who never quite live up to her dream image of the perfect lover. Lauder frequently fantasizes about love and often falls in love with someone she can only love from afar. She may avoid making a definite personal commitment. Gentle and sensitive, Estée Lauder does not like to be approached in a very direct or aggressive manner. She is attracted to those with artistic or mystical inclinations.

She is romantic and amorous and has a well-developed sexual nature. Estée expresses her feelings openly, but sometimes could feel hurt if people do not respond to her. Estée Lauder also has a strong drive to express herself in artistic ways.

Estée likes to feel at one with the whole world and is cordial and warm-hearted in collaborating with others. Public-spirited, Estée Lauder seems to be real content and happy only when she is among other people.

She is inclined to do everything with love and may even be in love with her profession. At times Estée Lauder is apt to consider her work as a substitute for a partner, but she could also show some narcissistic tendencies.

Astrological factors in this Astro Profile section:

Moon in Leo

Moon in 10th house

Moon Conjunct Jupiter

Moon aspects Jupiter and Saturn

Moon Trine Saturn

Moon aspects Saturn and Uranus

Moon Quincunx Uranus

Venus in Cancer

Venus in 10th house

Venus Opposition Uranus

Venus Conjunct Neptune

Venus Conjunct Sun/Mars

Venus Conjunct Mars/N. Node

Venus Conjunct Mars/MC


Astro Profile for your personal self-growth

Astro Profile for your personal self-improvement

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Photo Credit: Estée Lauder's picture is courtesy of Journal Sentinel. Photographic illustrations of Estée Lauder are copyright © by their respective holders. The images are published with permission or as allowed by the copyright law's fair use or quotation provisions. If any copyright holder objects to an image being included, please notify us and it will be removed immediately.

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Disclaimer: This information about Estée Lauder is derived from astrological interpretation of Estée Lauder's date, time, and place of birth.

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