Elle Macpherson in Relationships
Her desire for harmonious relationships and surroundings is so strong that she avoids personal confrontation or any expression of intense, unpleasant emotions. Elle Macpherson is an idealist who would like to paint the world in pastel colors, and live in peace and harmony with others at all times. She is able to see points of similarity and unity with people who are vastly different from her, and befriend many different types of people. She is a considerate and thoughtful friend, and has a real flair for making others feel accepted and appreciated. Inwardly, Elle Macpherson is often torn with indecision and is much more at odds with herself than others would ever guess based on her flawless disposition.
Elle has strong attachments to her past, the place where she grew up, her heritage and family traditions. In fact, Elle Macpherson may be unable to step out of the habits and roles that she learned as a child. Macpherson's ties to her mother are very strong and Elle also seeks nurturing and protection from her spouse and other family members.
In love relationships, Elle Macpherson is steadfast and loyal, especially if she has a warm, demonstrative partner. She is very sensual in nature and craves plenty of touching and physical affection. Elle enjoys being pampered with a good meal, a loving massage or other sensual delights. She is a wonderful lover who is very attentive to the comfort and enjoyment of her loved one. Elle Macpherson responds intensely to beauty and physical appearance, and the physical attractiveness of her partner is very important to her.
Macpherson is a very sociable, congenial person and she wilts very quickly without relationships with good friends and people to share good times with. Elle Macpherson thoroughly enjoys working with others on group projects or community activities. She is quite happy when she is a part of a club, support group or team of some sort.
Elle Macpherson has artistic interests and may be attracted to people who are artists, are connected with artistic endeavors or interested in art. She is very sociable and feel more at home in beautiful surroundings.
Elle Macpherson finds it easy to demonstrate her love and affection for others and to talk about love relationships, and Macpherson tends to reveal her most personal feelings to people in her intimate circle of friends.
Her personal relationships are very affectionate. Elle enjoys the company of other people and has a harmonious attitude toward them. Elle Macpherson also has a sense of art and may decorate her surroundings very artistically.
Elle tries to understand others completely and has the ability to feel their joy with them and also to suffer with them. When Elle Macpherson loves someone, she loves with her whole heart and is inclined to reveal her most inner and private feelings.
Astrological factors in this Astro Profile section:
Moon in Libra
Moon in 4th house
Venus in Taurus
Venus in 11th house
Venus Conjunct Sun/N. Node
Venus Conjunct Mercury/Asc.
Venus Conjunct Jupiter/Asc.
Venus Conjunct N. Node/MC