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Adrianne Curry

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Tenderhearted and sympathetic to an unusual degree, Adrianne Curry has an understanding of other people's feelings and needs which borders on telepathy. Adrianne Curry is extremely compassionate and cannot bear to see any fellow creature - human or animal - suffer. Because of her kindness and nonjudgmental attitude, people suffering from pain or confusion are drawn to Curry for help, which she readily gives. Sometimes Curry's soft-heartedness is taken advantage of.

She is a gentle, poetic soul and has a great love and affinity for music. Because many of her feelings are vague and she cannot easily verbalize how she experiences life, music seems a natural language for Curry. She is also extremely romantic and often "in love with love".

She is emotionally expressive and often dramatizes her feelings, acting them out or blowing them out of proportion. Adrianne Curry cannot hide her instinctive emotional reactions to people or situations, and she does not make any pretenses about her personal sympathies or antipathies.

Adrianne Curry has a childlike openness and playfulness which is very appealing to others, but which sometimes gets her into trouble, as Adrianne takes risks on impulse or whim.

She is assertive and confronts difficulties in a direct, no-nonsense sort of way. Adrianne Curry cannot tolerate self-pity or passivity, and she can be rather brusque with others' emotional problems. "Stop crying and do something about it" might be Curry's motto.

Although she is impetuous and easily provoked (as mentioned above), Adrianne Curry also has a good-natured, live-and-let-live attitude and a sense of humor, which balances it all out. While hotheaded at times, she is usually a good sport.

She is easygoing, agreeable and tolerant, willing to overlook others' mistakes, forget the past, and begin anew on a positive note. She enjoys making others comfortable and happy, and she sometimes overdoes her generosity. Adrianne Curry often feels that "everything will turn out all right no matter what I do", thereby becoming lazy and lackadaisical.

Adrianne Curry craves excitement, change and discovery, and cannot tolerate a routine or lifestyle that offers little in the way of surprise or challenge. Excitable, spontaneous and enthusiastic about anything new, she may be perceived by others as being too impulsive, especially in personal relationships. It is not easy for Adrianne Curry to make or keep commitments, since she does not know how she will be feeling from one day to the next. Emotional freedom is very important to Curry. Her domestic life may be very unstable - but Curry likes it that way.

She is inclined to identify duty and happiness with each other. Self-disciplined and realistic, Adrianne Curry expects very little. Once she has found her mate, Adrianne Curry will be faithful, self-sacrificing and strongly attached to her partner.

Her emotional flow seems to be blocked in some way and Curry may feel inhibited when she is with others. Adrianne Curry is likely to have a certain fear of crowds and may have a tendency to be agoraphobic.

Adrianne has an instinctive understanding of other people and is very sympathetic toward them. Relationships are very important to Adrianne Curry, and she is likely to feel a strong inner bond with many of her friends.

Sensitive and sentimental, Adrianne Curry is deeply attached to her family, old friends, familiar places and the past. She is romantic and tender in love relationships, and it is of utmost importance to Curry to remember birthdays, anniversaries, family rituals and other personally significant days. Adrianne Curry seeks caring, emotional support, and security in her love relationships. Adrianne likes to be needed, as well as to cherish and protect her loved ones, of whom she is somewhat possessive.

Adrianne is attracted to foreigners, exotic places, traveling, and to people who can expand her horizons, teach her something, or show Curry places and worlds she has never experienced before. Sharing a philosophy or ideal with her love partner is important to her.

Also, Adrianne Curry feels love and kinship for people everywhere, not only with her own family, nationality, or group. Finding similarities and making links between people from differing backgrounds or with different perspectives is a gift of hers.

She is serious and finds it difficult to enjoy herself in a lighthearted, open and playful way with others. Adrianne Curry rarely does something purely for pleasure, and can be very close-fisted and parsimonious. Perhaps due to painful separations in her early life, Adrianne is very cautious about becoming involved in close relationships and sharing her feelings. Though Curry craves love and affection, intimacy is difficult for her. She may become romantically involved with people who do not value her or treat her well. Adrianne Curry needs to learn to love and value herself before she finds happiness in love.

Adrianne Curry experiences powerful, compelling emotional and sexual attractions, and she may feel that she has little choice or control over her desires. Adrianne Curry has an intense need for love and may be emotionally greedy or insatiable. Her love relationships are passionate and often tumultuous and painful as well. Jealousy, power struggles or possessiveness can become areas of conflict in her relationships. On the positive side, Adrianne Curry can be unusually creative and bring about beneficial and healing changes in the lives of others, motivated by her deeply felt love.

Adrianne tries to understand others completely and has the ability to feel their joy with them and also to suffer with them. When Adrianne Curry loves someone, she loves with her whole heart and is inclined to reveal her most inner and private feelings.

Astrological factors in this Astro Profile section:

Moon in Pisces

Moon in 5th house

Moon Trine Mars

Moon aspects Mars and Jupiter

Moon Trine Jupiter

Moon Square Uranus

Moon Opposition Venus/Saturn

Moon Opposition Pluto/N. Node

Moon Opposition N. Node/Asc.

Venus in Cancer

Venus in 9th house

Venus Square Saturn

Venus Square Pluto

Venus Conjunct N. Node/MC


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Astro Profile for your personal self-improvement

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Photo Credit: Adrianne Curry's picture is courtesy of UPN. Photographic illustrations of Adrianne Curry are copyright © by their respective holders. The images are published with permission or as allowed by the copyright law's fair use or quotation provisions. If any copyright holder objects to an image being included, please notify us and it will be removed immediately.

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Disclaimer: This information about Adrianne Curry is derived from astrological interpretation of Adrianne Curry's date, time, and place of birth.

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