Sybil Leek in Relationships
Tenderhearted and sympathetic to an unusual degree, Sybil Leek has an understanding of other people's feelings and needs which borders on telepathy. Sybil Leek is extremely compassionate and cannot bear to see any fellow creature - human or animal - suffer. Because of her kindness and nonjudgmental attitude, people suffering from pain or confusion are drawn to Leek for help, which she readily gives. Sometimes Leek's soft-heartedness is taken advantage of.
She is a gentle, poetic soul and has a great love and affinity for music. Because many of her feelings are vague and she cannot easily verbalize how she experiences life, music seems a natural language for Leek. She is also extremely romantic and often "in love with love".
Sybil has strong attachments to her past, the place where she grew up, her heritage, and family traditions. In fact, Sybil Leek may be unable to step out of the habits and roles that she learned as a child. Leek's tie to her mother is very strong and Sybil Leek also seeks nurturing and protection from her spouse and other family members as well.
Sybil Leek has an inner poise and balance that enables her to act in a cool, efficient manner during emotional trauma and stress. She maintains her perspective and objectivity about highly charged emotional issues - sometimes to the chagrin of others who might wish that Leek would react more intensely. Sybil is quietly supportive and faithful to her friends and loved ones.
Sybil Leek thinks big and is insatiably curious. She is interested in many fields, is talkative and a pleasant conversationalist. Kind, easy-going and optimistic, Leek has good comprehension and excellent command of language.
Her emotional life tends to be a bit strange and she is likely to fantasize a lot and to weave a web of illusions. Easily swayed by the needs of others, Sybil Leek must learn not to take on others problems and also guard against others deceiving her.
She is open and unconventional in her attitude towards love relationships, romance and sex. She enjoys socializing, bringing people together and having many friends of both sexes. Sybil Leek values friendship very highly and in fact, she is more comfortable being a friend than a lover. Sybil desires an intellectual rapport or spiritual bond with her love partner, but deep intimacy and emotional bonding do not come easily to her. The traditional "husband" and "wife" roles do not appeal to Leek, and she abhors jealousy and possessiveness since she feels that no person truly "belongs" to another. Sybil Leek appreciates relationships in which her love partner allows her plenty of freedom and is not very emotionally demanding.
Beautiful, elegant, and harmonious surroundings are very important to Sybil Leek, and she has an innate sense of style, design, and form. Socially, also, good form and politeness are important to Leek and she instinctively avoids crudeness and dissonance.
She enjoys talking about love, relationships, art and the beautiful side of life. Sybil Leek appreciates artistic people.
She is excitable, spontaneous, and easily aroused emotionally and sexually. Sybil Leek falls in love very quickly and has little self-restraint or concern for propriety when her feelings have been stirred. However, it may be difficult for Sybil to sustain relationships after the first rush of excitement wanes, especially if Leek's partner is basically a conservative person who does not like to change or experiment. Nontraditional relationships appeal to Sybil Leek, and personal freedom is or paramount importance to her.
Astrological factors in this Astro Profile section:
Moon in Pisces
Moon in 4th house
Moon Trine Saturn
Moon Conjunct Mercury/Jupiter
Moon Opposition Neptune/Asc.
Venus in Aquarius
Venus in 3rd house
Venus Conjunct Uranus