Sharon Mitchell in Relationships
Sharon Mitchell has frequent emotional outbursts due to her fiery temper and emotional impulsiveness. Mitchell expresses herself very directly and honestly and no one has to guess what her true feelings are. However, Sharon Mitchell dislikes showing any personal weakness or her need for support, comfort and nurturing. She is often impatient with herself and others. Sharon abhors emotional dependency and dislikes "complainers".
Sharon Mitchell inspires others to take positive action in their lives through her own enthusiasm and eagerness to meet life's challenges, and she is attracted to people who are adventurous, courageous and independent. Sharon is rather bossy but does not like to be with people that she can boss around too much. She enjoys a good fight sometimes. Relationships that are built on mutual respect and emotional freedom are ideal for Mitchell.
Sharon Mitchell becomes very cross if she lacks vigorous physical activity. Mitchell feels her best if she frequently "does battle" on the tennis or racquetball court (or engages in another form of competitive sport).
Her own feelings and emotions are something of an enigma to Sharon, and it is often difficult for her to share what she is feeling with others.
Sharon Mitchell frequently withdraws from the world and needs a healing, peaceful environment in order to blossom and come out of her own world.
Mitchell identifies with the oppressed, disenfranchised or underdog in any situation and she wants to help them or care for them in some way.
She is assertive and confronts difficulties in a direct, no-nonsense sort of way. Sharon Mitchell cannot tolerate self-pity or passivity, and she can be rather brusque with others' emotional problems. "Stop crying and do something about it" might be Mitchell's motto.
Although she is impetuous and easily provoked (as mentioned above), Sharon Mitchell also has a good-natured, live-and-let-live attitude and a sense of humor, which balances it all out. While hotheaded at times, she is usually a good sport.
She is prone to be overly indulgent, overly permissive, overly generous and disinclined to budget or diet or set reasonable limits for herself or others. Subconsciously Sharon Mitchell feels entitled to bounty, and sees no reason to be deprived. At her worst, Mitchell can be greedy but insatiable, and addicted to "the good life". However, if other factors in her chart indicate a capacity for discipline and prudence, there is a positive side to Sharon's emotional indulgence - Mitchell tends to be quite charitable and tolerant, freely giving and willing to embrace others despite their shortcomings.
Although Mitchell gets hot under the collar rather easily (as mentioned above), she also has a certain degree of emotional self-control and composure, which enable Sharon Mitchell to rein in some of her more aggressive tendencies. This side of her is described below.
There is another side to Sharon Mitchell as well, a rather introverted, self-contained, even pessimistic side which tempers her good cheer and generosity, as discussed below.
Sharon Mitchell has an inner poise and balance that enables her to act in a cool, efficient manner during emotional trauma and stress. She maintains her perspective and objectivity about highly charged emotional issues - sometimes to the chagrin of others who might wish that Mitchell would react more intensely. Sharon is quietly supportive and faithful to her friends and loved ones.
In addition to Sharon's rather introverted, serious or self-contained side, she has a wild streak and urge for emotional freedom that breaks through erratically. Sharon Mitchell craves both stability and excitement, and the conflict between these two impulses can make Mitchell rather tense and irritable. However, they can also balance each other out. Her freer and unpredictable side will now be described.
She is uninhibited and spontaneous and will often do something unexpected or humorous in order to loosen people up and get them out of their rut. Sharon Mitchell craves emotional stimulation, excitement, surprises and anything new. Mitchell also loves to feel free and unfettered.
Although Sharon Mitchell was portrayed above as being assertive and combative, she also has a diametrically opposed tendency - namely the urge to escape all contention and ugliness. This may mellow Sharon's fiery reactions somewhat, or she may seesaw between the two. Her softer side is described in the following paragraphs.
Highly sensitive and rather easily taken in, Sharon Mitchell needs to beware of deceiving herself and allowing others to take advantage of her impressionability or gentleness. Daydreaming, fantasizing or other forms of imaginative, escapist behavior (such as watching television excessively or living her life through romance novels) could be something of an addiction for Mitchell. Sharon Mitchell tends to confuse images with reality and needs to learn to be more circumspect and discriminating. Disenchantment with women and close relationships could ensue as a result.
Powerful and complex emotions stir Sharon Mitchell, and her emotional life and closest personal relationships are liable to be tumultuous until Sharon does some deep soul searching. Buried feelings and memories that she does not want to deal with may surface at unexpected times. Holding in fears, secrets or "taboo" thoughts and feelings can only intensify them, and Sharon Mitchell needs to share them with someone who is sympathetic, trustworthy and fairly objective. Ridding herself of emotional compulsions and deeply embedded patterns that do not serve her can be tremendously liberating if Sharon Mitchell is willing to do the necessary inner house cleaning.
Sharon Mitchell has a great interest in everything and everyone around her and is constantly looking for people with whom she can establish deep inner relationships. Her judgments are based on her personal feelings and she has a strong need to be with others.
She is very ambitious and her energy is based on her feelings. Sharon Mitchell may feel that she has to assert herself regardless of the risks that may be involved. Sharon could have considerable tension with others and is not likely to compromise.
Her sense of reality is a bit weak; Mitchell tends to daydream and lose herself in her plans. She is likely to be preoccupied with fantasies or ideas that help her escape the ordinary. Always looking for ideal relationships, Sharon may be drawn to philanthropic associations.
Her emotional tension could be quite strong and the pressure may seem unbearable at times. She may have a sudden desire to liberate herself from the stress and may release her tension towards women. Sharon Mitchell could also feel lonely and depressed at times.
She is subject to strange emotional experiences which could relate to the supernatural. Very sensitive, Sharon Mitchell immediately responds to every influence, resulting in frequent changes of mood. She may be interested in the occult, psychic studies and spiritualism.
Tremendously softhearted and sympathetic, Sharon Mitchell gives very selflessly and devotedly to those she loves and often allows others to become overly dependent upon her. More compassionate than passionate, Sharon Mitchell may become romantically involved with a person because she or she expresses a need for love, rather than out of mutual pleasure or attraction.
She is drawn to sensitive, imaginative, gentle souls - poets, musicians, dreamers - or to someone Sharon feels she can have a deep spiritual relationship with. Sharon Mitchell idealizes love and has a very beautiful, romantic vision of what love relationships can be.
Mitchell is a very sociable, congenial person and she wilts very quickly without relationships with good friends and people to share good times with. Sharon Mitchell thoroughly enjoys working with others on group projects or community activities. She is quite happy when she is a part of a club, support group or team of some sort.
Money is liable to be an issue in her life, not because she does not have it, but because Sharon Mitchell cannot or will not hold onto it. Sharon Mitchell has a freehanded, generous, open attitude and would prefer to spend and enjoy and partake in the pleasures of the moment than to save, discipline or budget herself. At Mitchell's worst, she wants an easy ride and friends will often let Sharon freeload because she is such an agreeable, friendly and pleasant sort. Alternatively, Mitchell could let other people take advantage of her hospitality and tolerance.
Mitchell also avoids confronting difficult issues in relationships simply because it is too much trouble or too petty. Sharon Mitchell just wants to have a good time.
She is intensely amorous and attractive to the opposite sex, and is not inclined to friendly platonic relationships. There is a great deal of tension in her love relationships - often because Sharon Mitchell puts her desires ahead of her partner's, and is impatient to have her love needs satisfied. The whole arena of love relationships, romance and sex is endlessly fascinating to Sharon Mitchell and she is not happy without a love partner. Mitchell can "burn herself out" by pouring so much of her energy into romance.
Sharon's pleasure-loving nature and her emotional and material generosity discussed above are counterbalanced by a certain caution or restraint in expressing her affection, and by a fear of heartache. At times Sharon Mitchell is likely to be the jovial, friendly, rather extravagant person mentioned previously, but at other times she is far more contained as described here. Because she is upbeat and fun-loving, people probably do not suspect how sensitive Mitchell is to being left out or unappreciated.
She is serious and finds it difficult to enjoy herself in a lighthearted, open and playful way with others. Sharon Mitchell rarely does something purely for pleasure, and can be very close-fisted and parsimonious. Perhaps due to painful separations in her early life, Sharon is very cautious about becoming involved in close relationships and sharing her feelings. Though Mitchell craves love and affection, intimacy is difficult for her. She may become romantically involved with people who do not value her or treat her well. Sharon Mitchell needs to learn to love and value herself before she finds happiness in love.
When it comes to love relationships, Mitchell is likely to feel pulled in several directions at once. In addition to her desire for depth and security in her relationships, Sharon Mitchell has an impulsive side and a need for a lot of variety and excitement, as discussed in the following paragraphs. These urges do not have to conflict, but they certainly can, especially if Sharon acts on her spontaneous impulses without much consideration for their long-term effects on her personal life.
While she may seek loving relationships and an "everlasting" love, this is not easy for Sharon Mitchell to find - or more precisely, to sustain. When Sharon becomes romantically involved with someone, either she or the other person will create rifts once a certain level of comfort and predictability has been achieved. Even if there is no outward break in the relationship, a certain emotional aloofness or dissatisfaction is apt to develop. This is because Sharon Mitchell really wants both closeness and absolute freedom - a combination that is difficult to attain. However, if she does not at least attempt to honestly fulfill both of these urges, seemingly random events will wreak havoc in Sharon's closest relationships.
Sensitive and compassionate, Mitchell tends to be the "giver" in any relationship. Sharon has high ideals and a refined attitude towards love relationships, seeking to relate in ways that go beyond egotistical and selfish needs. Sharon is attracted to people with artistic or mystical inclinations.
Intimate relationships are the arena in which Sharon Mitchell explores the depths she is capable of. She could fall intensely and fanatically in love and be obsessive, extraordinarily jealous or deeply involved with her partners. Mitchell will experience both heaven and hell in her closest relationships. There is undoubtedly a peculiarly karmic, fated quality to these relationships, which - though difficult - will teach Sharon Mitchell things about herself and about love that she could not learn in any other way. Mitchell will often enter relationships which she realizes - rationally - will be very difficult, yet she cannot resist them, nonetheless. Sharon Mitchell needs not to avoid berating herself for these "bad" choices; instead, she needs to learn what she can from them.
Sharon Mitchell treats others in an agreeable, affectionate and tactful way and freely shows her affection for them. Her circle of friends is likely to be large and Mitchell strives for the development of a strong community spirit.
Astrological factors in this Astro Profile section:
Moon in Aries
Moon in 12th house
Moon Trine Mars
Moon aspects Mars and Jupiter
Moon Quincunx Jupiter
Moon aspects Mars and Saturn
Moon aspects Jupiter and Saturn
Moon Trine Saturn
Moon aspects Saturn and Uranus
Moon Trine Uranus
Moon aspects Mars and Neptune
Moon Quincunx Neptune
Moon Quincunx Pluto
Moon Conjunct Mercury/Asc.
Moon Opposition Mars/Uranus
Moon Opposition Jupiter/Neptune
Moon Opposition Saturn/Uranus
Moon Opposition Neptune/Pluto
Venus in Pisces
Venus in 11th house
Venus Opposition Jupiter
Venus Square Mars
Venus aspects Jupiter and Saturn
Venus Square Saturn
Venus aspects Saturn and Uranus
Venus Quincunx Uranus
Venus Trine Neptune
Venus Opposition Pluto
Venus Conjunct N. Node/Asc.