Ricky Ullman in Relationships
Ricky Ullman responds very strongly to the emotional tone and atmosphere around him, and can be dominated by his fluctuating and unpredictable moods. Ricky Ullman often appears irrational to others because he cannot always explain the reason or source of his feelings. Anyone who lives with Ricky Ullman must accept his ups and downs and appreciate Ricky's need for times of withdrawal.
Ricky Ullman is also very sympathetic and understands the unspoken feelings and needs of others. Ricky Ullman takes slights and rebuffs very personally and though he may forgive a transgression by a friend or loved one, he never forgets it.
Ricky Ullman often makes decisions solely for emotional or personal reasons, because something "feels right" or because he has always done it a certain way and is uncomfortable acting otherwise. Even when Ricky Ullman thinks he is being rational, his prejudices, intuitions and feelings influence his thoughts a great deal. Ricky is comfortable talking about feelings and personal subjects, and sharing confidences, which enables others to express their own inner feelings with him as well. Ricky Ullman has good psychological insight into others.
His mind is very impressionable and sometimes his imagination could be a little misguided. Ricky Ullman loves to daydream and to live in his own world of fantasies. But he is receptive and has a sympathetic understanding of others.
He is subject to changing moods and tends to alternate between associating with others and being completely alone, seeking to regenerate himself in solitude. Ricky Ullman seems to be too critical of himself and tends to generate distance from others.
He is open and unconventional in his attitude towards love relationships, romance and sex. He enjoys socializing, bringing people together and having many friends of both sexes. Ricky Ullman values friendship very highly and in fact, he is more comfortable being a friend than a lover. Ricky desires an intellectual rapport or spiritual bond with his love partner, but deep intimacy and emotional bonding do not come easily to him. The traditional "husband" and "wife" roles do not appeal to Ricky Ullman, and he abhors jealousy and possessiveness since he feels that no person truly "belongs" to another. Ricky Ullman appreciates relationships in which his love partner allows him plenty of freedom and is not very emotionally demanding.
Ricky is attracted to foreigners, exotic places, traveling and people who can expand his horizons, teach him something, or show him places and worlds he has never experienced before. Sharing a philosophy or ideal with his love partner is important to him.
Moreover, Ricky Ullman feels love and kinship for people everywhere, not only for his own family, nationality, or group. Finding similarities and making links between people from differing backgrounds or with different perspectives is a gift of his.
In love relationships and romance, it is important for Ricky Ullman to be able to deeply respect his partner. Ricky looks beyond the superficial qualities to see their inner worth (or lack thereof), before he lets himself really fall for someone. In fact, too much glamour or flashiness is something of a turn-off for him. Ricky Ullman is capable of mature, lasting, loving relationships and seeks a mate who is deep, loyal, and committed. He may be drawn to someone older than him.
Ricky Ullman experiences powerful, compelling emotional and sexual attractions, and he may feel that he has little choice or control over his desires. Ricky Ullman has an intense need for love and may be emotionally greedy or insatiable. His love relationships are passionate and often tumultuous and painful as well. Jealousy, power struggles or possessiveness can become areas of conflict in his relationships. On the positive side, Ricky Ullman can be unusually creative and bring about beneficial and healing changes in the lives of others, motivated by his deeply felt love.
Others are drawn to Ricky Ullman because of his affable, social and appealing disposition, and he is likely to have many pleasant and friendly relationships. Ricky Ullman also has strong artistic inclinations and may consider a creative field as a profession or hobby.
Ricky Ullman seems to have an unusual power of attraction to other people and frequently may associate with others whether they are good for him or not. Very compulsive in love relationships, Ricky Ullman could have a kind of tragic love union.
Astrological factors in this Astro Profile section:
Moon in Cancer
Moon in 3rd house
Moon Opposition Mercury/Neptune
Moon Opposition Jupiter/Saturn
Venus in Aquarius
Venus in 9th house
Venus Sextile Saturn
Venus Square Pluto
Venus Conjunct Sun/MC
Venus Conjunct Pluto/N. Node