Ralph Abernathy in Relationships
He is not easily moved by emotional displays and can be curiously detached from his own emotions and those of others. It is almost as if he could turn his feelings on and off at will; Ralph should be careful not to leave the switch "off" too often, for he could easily become too impersonal. Family relationships and attachments are not as important to him as they are to most people and Abernathy often considers his friends closer to him than his blood relatives. Certainly, Abernathy's sympathy and concern extends much beyond his immediate family. In his personal relationships, Ralph Abernathy insists upon a certain amount of independence and the freedom to pursue friendships with as many people, of both sexes, as he chooses. Ralph does not appreciate a jealous, possessive partner.
Ralph Abernathy feels comfortable in an atmosphere that is open and experimental, and he has little taste for convention and tradition.
Ralph Abernathy has a soft exterior and tends to relate very personally and sympathetically to other people. However, Ralph sometimes lets his emotions overpower his reasoning and logic, and consequently he is sometimes biased in his opinions. Ralph Abernathy is impressionable and rather gentle, or at least that is the way he comes across. Ralph wears his heart on his sleeves and cannot hide his emotions.
No matter how he appears on the surface, Ralph Abernathy has a very soft heart and others can always appeal to Ralph's sympathetic, affectionate side. He especially cares about the needs of children, mothers and families, and he wants a love partner who values marriage, home and family as much as he does. Abernathy is profoundly offended by unkindness or harshness.
He is tolerant and forgiving and always ready to overlook mistakes and give others a second chance. Ralph Abernathy expects, and draws out, the best from people and he enjoys making others comfortable and happy. Because of his emotional generosity, his life is rich with friends, and often financial blessings as well.
Powerful and complex emotions stir Ralph Abernathy, and his emotional life and closest personal relationships are liable to be tumultuous until Ralph does some deep soul searching. Buried feelings and memories that he does not want to deal with may surface at unexpected times. Holding in fears, secrets or "taboo" thoughts and feelings can only intensify them, and Ralph Abernathy needs to share them with someone who is sympathetic, trustworthy and fairly objective. Ridding himself of emotional compulsions and deeply embedded patterns that do not serve him can be tremendously liberating if Ralph Abernathy is willing to do the necessary inner house cleaning.
He is open and unconventional in his attitude towards love relationships, romance and sex. He enjoys socializing, bringing people together and having many friends of both sexes. Ralph Abernathy values friendship very highly and in fact, he is more comfortable being a friend than a lover. Ralph desires an intellectual rapport or spiritual bond with his love partner, but deep intimacy and emotional bonding do not come easily to him. The traditional "husband" and "wife" roles do not appeal to Abernathy, and he abhors jealousy and possessiveness since he feels that no person truly "belongs" to another. Ralph Abernathy appreciates relationships in which his love partner allows him plenty of freedom and is not very emotionally demanding.
Abernathy is very much aware of his personal appearance, attractiveness and charm, and he can be rather narcissistic. On the other hand, Ralph Abernathy is concerned with getting along with others and he has a pleasing, agreeable manner that people find quite appealing. Ralph uses tact or charm to get what he wants rather than intense effort or force. His desire for love and affection colors everything Ralph Abernathy does.
He is kindhearted and generous with both his money and his affections, and he is not happy if he has to budget or restrict himself in any way. Pettiness or stinginess is foreign to Ralph's nature and Ralph Abernathy feels most comfortable in an elegant, beautiful atmosphere. Asceticism is not for Abernathy. Gracious and charitable, he enjoys sponsoring social events or cultural activities. Ralph Abernathy has an optimistic, friendly attitude towards others and tends to bring out the finer side of people. He is likely to fall in love with someone who is successful, noble and idealistic.
He is prone to getting involved in highly intense, even obsessive relationships - "fatal attractions", so to speak. At its darkest, this urge for intensity in the personal arena may compel Ralph Abernathy to choose friends or mates who are rather dangerous or dishonorable characters with a penchant for manipulating and inflicting pain on their "loved ones". On the other hand, Abernathy may be tempted to use his own sexuality or charm to play the same sort of game, to use love or friendship as a bargaining chip or to gain power over others. Even if his intentions are basically good, Ralph Abernathy will find that his closest relationships are rather tumultuous affairs in which some rather unsavory aspects of his character (such as jealousy and the desire to dominate or to be a victim) keep surfacing. These are qualities that need to be understood and ultimately outgrown.
Ralph has an affectionate nature and is in harmony with his environment. Charming and friendly, he is on good terms with most of the people in his sphere. His friends and associates mean a lot to Ralph Abernathy and his relationships are positive and loving.
His nature is harmonious and Ralph radiates happiness so that everyone around him will be in good spirits. His taste is likely to be elegant and he has a strong desire to surround himself with beauty. Ralph Abernathy may be interested in fashion, hair-styling or other beauty-related fields.
Astrological factors in this Astro Profile section:
Moon in Aquarius
Moon in 1st house
Moon Conjunct Venus
Moon Conjunct Jupiter
Moon Quincunx Pluto
Venus in Aquarius
Venus in 1st house
Venus Conjunct Jupiter
Venus Quincunx Pluto
Venus Conjunct Sun/Asc.
Venus Conjunct Moon/Jupiter