Phil Spector in Relationships
Secretive and inclined to brooding silences, it is difficult for others to really know his inner core, for Phil Spector only trusts and opens himself to a select few. Allowing himself to be vulnerable and to relinquish control in relationships is not easy for Spector.
Phil has intense, passionate loves and hates and is a jealously loyal and protective friend - or a fearsome foe. Phil Spector has a nasty habit of holding onto past hurts, resentments and guilt - and to keep such feelings to himself. It is important for Phil Spector to learn to forgive and let go, as well as to express his feelings openly and directly, rather than hiding or repressing them.
He is not content with superficial appearances and is always probing beneath the surface of things for hidden motives. Phil Spector has a great deal of emotional depth.
He is likely to be a great collector of things - a real pack rat in fact - for his belongings give Phil Spector a sense of security and continuity with the past, which is important to him. Antiques or articles with sentimental value from Phil's past are especially dear to him.
Phil Spector may also cling rather tightly to money and possessions, keeping them "in the family" rather than sharing freely with those outside of his immediate circle.
His feelings depend on the conditions in his environment and therefore Phil Spector could be subject to moods. He is likely to have spiritual or life experiences that touch him deeply. Phil Spector could also become involved in situations where others take advantage of him.
His relationships have an emotional overtone and Phil Spector has a strong desire to share his feelings with others. His circle of friends is likely to be large and Phil enjoys many pleasant meeting with them.
Phil Spector has a great interest in everything and everyone around him and is constantly looking for people with whom he can establish deep inner relationships. His judgments are based on his personal feelings and he has a strong need to be with others.
Phil has an optimistic outlook, good intuition and the ability to find and use opportunities to his advantage. His quick understanding of things allows Phil Spector to see beyond ordinary limits, and he has the courage to exploit unexpected breaks.
His emotional tension could be quite strong and the pressure may seem unbearable at times. He may have a sudden desire to liberate himself from the stress and may release his tension towards women. Phil Spector could also feel lonely and depressed at times.
In love relationships, Phil Spector seeks companionship and friendship with someone who is fun loving, playful and open to adventure and new experiences. He enjoys traveling together, meeting new people and making new friends. Honeymooning in a distant location appeals to Phil, and he is also attracted to foreigners or people with diametrically different backgrounds than his own. Phil Spector supports his partner in taking risks and making positive changes, rather than preserving the status quo. He also very much wants a partner who will encourage his own aspirations and dreams. It is very important to Phil that he have a spiritual or intellectual rapport with his love partner, perhaps more important than the emotional/physical aspect. Phil Spector is not especially sentimental and his love partner may feel that he is too casual and not serious or romantic enough.
Beautiful, elegant and harmonious surroundings are very important to Phil Spector, and he has an innate sense of style, design and form. Socially as well good form and politeness are important to Spector and he instinctively avoids crudeness and dissonance.
He enjoys talking about love, relationships, art and the beautiful side of life. Phil Spector appreciates artistic people.
His tastes and natural inclinations border on the extravagant and luxurious. Whether or not Phil Spector possesses the resources to satisfy these desires or the ambition to provide these things for himself, he wants a life of plenty, ease and comfort. Phil may cause trouble in his love relationships by focusing too much attention on money or "lifestyle" rather than on the person he is with. Phil Spector may also attract gold diggers or parasites who will take advantage of his hospitality as long as he allows them to. Indiscretion in matters of both heart and pocketbook can be problems as well.
Phil's pleasure-loving nature and his emotional and material generosity discussed above are counterbalanced by a certain caution or restraint in expressing his affection, and by a fear of heartache. At times Phil Spector is likely to be the jovial, friendly, rather extravagant person mentioned previously, but at other times he is far more contained as described here. Because he is upbeat and fun-loving, people probably do not suspect how sensitive Spector is to being left out or unappreciated.
Phil Spector tends to deprive himself of pleasure, friendship and love, either because he feels he does not deserve it or he thinks it is wrong to enjoy life too much. Spector may have been indoctrinated with a duty-and-work-before-all-else attitude early on. He may also think of himself as unattractive or unlovable, and thus close his heart to opportunities to share love and companionship, never quite believing that others actually like him. Phil Spector is apt to prefer solitude to being in uncomfortable relationships or social situations, and his shyness may be intense - especially when young. Learning to truly love and accept himself - including whatever flaws or imperfections Phil believes he has - is vital for him. This process of self-appreciation and self-love will reap rewards, especially in later life.
Phil Spector loves deeply, passionately and wholeheartedly, and others may find his intensity either extremely attractive or threatening. He is charismatic and can have a powerful emotional impact on others, especially those of the opposite sex. Spector may use his attractiveness to manipulate others, sometimes without even realizing it.
Phil Spector thinks with both his mind and his heart and he has an unobtrusive, empathic intellect. Spector relates to others in an affable, considerate and thoughtful way and always seem to find the right words at the right time.
His feelings are very rich and Phil Spector has an enormous capacity to express his love. He is very cordial and likely to experience happiness in love relationships. Phil Spector may also have artistic aspirations or aims and could be very successful in some kind of artistic work.
He is inclined to be rather quiet and humble and go about his business in a very modest way. Feeling sad frequently, Phil Spector does not seem to have much interest in becoming involved in love relationships.
Astrological factors in this Astro Profile section:
Moon in Scorpio
Moon in 2nd house
Moon Conjunct Sun/Neptune
Moon Conjunct Mercury/N. Node
Moon Conjunct Mercury/Asc.
Moon Opposition Jupiter/Uranus
Moon Opposition Saturn/Uranus
Venus in Sagittarius
Venus in 3rd house
Venus Quincunx Jupiter
Venus aspects Jupiter and Saturn
Venus Quincunx Saturn
Venus Trine Pluto
Venus Conjunct Moon/Mercury
Venus Opposition Jupiter/MC
Venus Opposition Saturn/MC