Pete Rose in Relationships
Open and generous, Pete Rose enjoys a wide circle of friends and acquaintances and he thrives on sociability and fellowship. He is adventurous, playful, freedom-loving, and always ready for a good time. Rose rarely allows obstacles or difficulties to keep him down, for no matter how bleak the past or present, Pete always expects a better, brighter future. In fact, he is uncomfortable with his own or other people's problems and emotional pain. Pete Rose often tries to "cheer up" or offer philosophical advice to those who are hurting, but he unwittingly avoids or ignores the emotions involved.
Friendship means a great deal to Rose, perhaps even more than love relationships or romance. For Pete Rose to be happy, his mate must be his best friend and encourage Pete's aspirations and ideals. Pete Rose also needs a great deal of emotional freedom and mobility.
Though he wants close relationships very much, Pete Rose often closes himself off and does not really trust others who may wish to get to know him. Rose is very wholehearted in his feelings and responses to people, and he wants all or nothing from the people he cares for.
He enjoys emotional intensity and is attracted to the mysterious, the unknown, and to dangerous or challenging experiences which draw on all of his inner resources. He is able to handle an emotional crisis very well, and he is interested in the deep roots of emotional problems and how to cure them. Pete Rose insists on bringing feelings between people out into the open, for he wants real closeness and intimacy in his relationships, without barriers or secrets.
His love feelings and desires are easily aroused but it may be difficult to sustain his romantic interest in relationships after the initial, exciting "chase and conquest". Pete Rose enjoys a partner who is dynamic and alive, someone with a strong independent streak, and he does not like things to become too peaceful or predictable in the love arena. Pete wants to see sparks fly once in awhile, even if that means instigating a fight.
Rose is very much aware of his personal appearance, attractiveness, and charm, and he can be rather narcissistic. On the other hand, Pete Rose is concerned with getting along with others and he has a pleasing, agreeable manner that people find quite appealing. Pete uses tact or charm to get what he wants rather than intense effort or force. His desire for love and affection colors everything Pete Rose does.
It is absolutely essential for Pete Rose not to deceive himself when it comes to love relationships, romance, or the true nature of other people. Pete tends to be in love with love, and can be incredibly naive and easily seduced. Confusion, disappointments, and regrettable mistakes in both emotional and financial matters may result. On the other hand, it is also possible that Pete Rose will use his attractiveness or charm to deceive others. Clarity, directness, honesty, and realism regarding romantic relationships and people in general, need to be developed.
Chronically discontented, he is likely to be somewhat unstable in matters of love relationships and affection. Pete Rose tends to be on the defensive and fear rejection and lack of acceptance. Pete has to learn to overcome his fears and general shyness with people.
Astrological factors in this Astro Profile section:
Moon in Sagittarius
Moon in 8th house
Moon Trine Pluto
Venus in Aries
Venus in 1st house
Venus Quincunx Neptune
Venus Conjunct Mercury/Saturn