Oliver Hardy in Relationships
He is very sensitive, cautious, and shy about showing others his feelings. Though he may love and care for someone a great deal, Oliver Hardy rarely expresses his feelings openly and freely. Very often Hardy's love for someone is expressed by his wish to help him, do something tangible to benefit him or serve him in some way.
It is also difficult for him to receive warmth, affection or appreciation, for he often feels that he does not really deserve it or that "they do not really mean it". Hardy may therefore come across as rather cool and aloof - much more so than he feels.
A deeply ingrained critical attitude often makes Oliver difficult to live with. Oliver Hardy needs to learn to be gentler and less of a perfectionist with others and with himself.
Hardy depends a great deal upon other people for emotional support and he has a large "family" of friends that care about him and treat him as kin. The women in Oliver's life are particularly important to him, and his relationships with them powerfully influence his sense of security and happiness. Oliver Hardy may be overly dependent and unsure of himself without a close partner.
Gregarious and fun loving, he is always out to have a good time. Oliver Hardy tends to "play now, pay later" and is prone to overspend, overeat, drink too much, and in general overdo, and even more so when in the company of others. It is hard for Oliver Hardy to say no, especially when Hardy's emotions or appetites are involved. Generous to a fault, he is likely to be very free both with money and with affection.
His mind is very impressionable and sometimes his imagination could be a little misguided. Oliver Hardy loves to daydream and to live in his own world of fantasies. But he is receptive and has a sympathetic understanding of others.
Oliver has the ability to speak with his heart and soul and therefore to convince people. He is adaptable in both his thinking and speaking, but also changeable. In his work Oliver Hardy can be a fanatic, at times inconsiderate and expects too much of others.
He is open and unconventional in his attitude towards love relationships, romance and sex. He enjoys socializing, bringing people together and having many friends of both sexes. Oliver Hardy values friendship very highly and in fact, he is more comfortable being a friend than a lover. Oliver desires an intellectual rapport or spiritual bond with his love partner, but deep intimacy and emotional bonding do not come easily to him. The traditional "husband" and "wife" roles do not appeal to Hardy, and he abhors jealousy and possessiveness since he feels that no person truly "belongs" to another. Oliver Hardy appreciates relationships in which his love partner allows him plenty of freedom and is not very emotionally demanding.
Oliver Hardy often hides his affection, or finds his feelings difficult to express or get across to the person he loves. Being openly affectionate and trusting often does not seem safe to Oliver. He may feel his love will not be appreciated or reciprocated. Oliver Hardy may get involved in secret love relationships or fall in love with a person who is quite unavailable to him. Love and sacrifice often seem to go hand in hand for Oliver Hardy - having to give something up to be with the one he loves, or having to relinquish some person or some aspect of an important love relationship.
He is intensely amorous and attractive to the opposite sex, and is not inclined to friendly platonic relationships. There is a great deal of tension in his love relationships - often because Oliver Hardy puts his desires ahead of his partner's, and is impatient to have his love needs satisfied. The whole arena of love relationships, romance and sex is endlessly fascinating to Oliver Hardy and he is not happy without a love partner. Hardy can "burn himself out" by pouring so much of his energy into romance.
Oliver Hardy tends to deprive himself of pleasure, friendship, and love, either because he feels he does not deserve it or he thinks it is wrong to enjoy life too much. Hardy may have been indoctrinated with a duty-and-work-before-all-else orientation early on. He may also think of himself as unattractive or unlovable, and thus close his heart to opportunities to share love and companionship, never quite believing that others actually like him. Oliver Hardy is apt to prefer solitude to being in uncomfortable relationships or social situations, and his shyness may be intense - especially when young. Learning to truly love and accept himself - including whatever flaws or imperfections Oliver believes he has - is so important for him. This process of self-appreciation and self-love will reap rewards, especially in later life.
Astrological factors in this Astro Profile section:
Moon in Virgo
Moon in 7th house
Moon Opposition Jupiter
Moon Opposition Mercury/Neptune
Moon Opposition Mercury/Pluto
Venus in Aquarius
Venus in 12th house
Venus Square Mars
Venus Quincunx Saturn