Marge Champion in Relationships
Open and generous, Marge Champion enjoys a wide circle of friends and acquaintances and she thrives on sociability and fellowship. She is adventurous, playful, freedom loving, and always ready for a good time. Champion rarely allows obstacles or difficulties to keep her down, for no matter how bleak the past or present, Marge always expects a better, brighter future. In fact, she is uncomfortable with her own or other people's problems and emotional pain. Marge Champion often tries to "cheer up" or offer philosophical advice to those who are hurting, but she unwittingly avoids or ignores the emotions involved.
Friendship means a great deal to Champion, perhaps even more than love relationships or romance. For Marge Champion to be happy, her mate must be her best friend and encourage Marge's aspirations and ideals. Marge Champion also needs a great deal of emotional freedom and mobility.
Marge Champion often makes decisions solely for emotional or personal reasons, because something "feels right" or because she has always done it a certain way and is uncomfortable acting otherwise. Even when Champion thinks she is being rational, her prejudices, intuitions and feelings influence her thoughts a great deal. Marge is comfortable talking about feelings and personal subjects, and sharing confidences, which enables others to express their own inner feelings with her as well. Marge Champion has good psychological insight into others.
She is assertive and confronts difficulties in a direct, no-nonsense sort of way. Marge Champion cannot tolerate self-pity or passivity, and she can be rather brusque with others' emotional problems. "Stop crying and do something about it" might be Champion's motto.
Although she is impetuous and easily provoked (as mentioned above), Marge Champion also has a good-natured, live-and-let-live attitude and a sense of humor, which balances it all out. While hotheaded at times, she is usually a good sport.
She is easygoing, agreeable and tolerant, willing to overlook others' mistakes, forget the past, and begin anew on a positive note. She enjoys making others comfortable and happy, and she sometimes overdoes her generosity. Marge Champion often feels that "everything will turn out all right no matter what I do", thereby becoming lazy and lackadaisical.
Although Marge Champion was portrayed above as being assertive and combative, she also has a diametrically opposed tendency - namely the urge to escape all contention and ugliness. This may mellow Marge's fiery reactions somewhat, or she may seesaw between the two. Her softer side is described in the following paragraphs.
The beauty and harmony of her surroundings have a very powerful effect on Champion's emotions. She is very sensitive and cannot stand to be in an atmosphere where there is discord or dissonance. Gentle, kindhearted, and peace loving, Marge Champion is prepared to sacrifice a great deal in order to avoid a fight and to "make everyone happy".
Powerful and complex emotions stir Marge Champion, and her emotional life and closest personal relationships are liable to be tumultuous until Marge does some deep soul searching. Buried feelings and memories that she does not want to deal with may surface at unexpected times. Holding in fears, secrets or "taboo" thoughts and feelings can only intensify them, and Marge Champion needs to share them with someone who is sympathetic, trustworthy and fairly objective. Ridding herself of emotional compulsions and deeply embedded patterns that do not serve her can be tremendously liberating if Marge Champion is willing to do the necessary inner house cleaning.
She is quietly devoted and faithful to her loved ones and often becomes subservient to her love partner. Marge Champion is more comfortable showing her love by doing or making something for her loved one, or simply being there for her, rather than by making any romantic, soul-stirring declarations. She is timid about expressing too much sentiment or emotion. Marge Champion also underestimates her attractiveness and lovability and doubts her own worthiness of love and appreciation.
Marge Champion often hides her affection, or finds her feelings difficult to express or get across to the person she loves. Being openly affectionate and trusting often does not seem safe to Marge. She may feel her love will not be appreciated or reciprocated. Marge Champion may get involved in secret love relationships or fall in love with a person who is quite unavailable to her. Love and sacrifice often seem to go hand in hand for Marge Champion - i.e. having to give something up to be with the one she loves, or having to relinquish a person or an aspect of an important love relationship.
Her feelings are very powerful and Marge Champion expresses them vividly. Her romantic relationships are likely to be very passionate and deep. Marge Champion has a tendency to go to extremes in love relationships and may be driven by inner compulsion rather than rational thinking.
Astrological factors in this Astro Profile section:
Moon in Sagittarius
Moon in 3rd house
Moon Trine Mars
Moon aspects Mars and Jupiter
Moon Trine Jupiter
Moon aspects Mars and Neptune
Moon Trine Neptune
Moon Quincunx Pluto
Venus in Virgo
Venus in 12th house
Venus Conjunct Moon/Pluto