Loretta Young in Relationships
Serious and responsible, she tries to carry the world on her shoulders and rarely lets others know that she needs help and support. Loretta Young denies or ignores her own emotional needs and feels that others will not accept her if she appears "weak". She is especially uncomfortable with emotional dependency, and tells herself and others (even children) not to be a "baby". Loretta Young needs to accept that no one is self-sufficient all the time, and to be gentler with her "childish" emotional needs and wants. To others, she may appear to be rather hard-nosed and tough, with a businesslike attitude toward their personal concerns and feelings. Actually, no one is a truer friend. Her feelings and loyalties run deep, but she often does not let people know how much she cares. Loretta Young also sometimes needs to learn to relax, enjoy herself, and play.
Young depends a great deal upon other people for emotional support and she has a large "family" of friends that care about her and treat her as kin. The women in Loretta's life are particularly important to her, and her relationships with them powerfully influence her sense of security and happiness. Loretta Young may be overly dependent and unsure of herself without a close partner.
She is subject to strange emotional experiences which could relate to the supernatural. Very sensitive, Loretta Young immediately responds to every influence, resulting in frequent changes of mood. She may be interested in the occult, psychic studies and spiritualism.
Her emotional life tends to be a bit strange and she is likely to fantasize a lot and to weave a web of illusions. Easily swayed by the needs of others, Loretta Young must learn not to take on others problems and also guard against others deceiving her.
She is open and unconventional in her attitude towards love relationships, romance and sex. She enjoys socializing, bringing people together and having many friends of both sexes. Loretta Young values friendship very highly and in fact, she is more comfortable being a friend than a lover. Loretta desires an intellectual rapport or spiritual bond with her love partner, but deep intimacy and emotional bonding do not come easily to her. The traditional "husband" and "wife" roles do not appeal to Young, and she abhors jealousy and possessiveness since she feels that no person truly "belongs" to another. Loretta Young appreciates relationships in which her love partner allows her plenty of freedom and is not very emotionally demanding.
Promoting beauty, the arts, or entertainment can make Loretta Young very happy. Loretta wants to contribute something positive and loving to the world at large and she wants to be recognized for her beauty, artistic gifts, or loving generosity. Loretta Young may "marry" her work - that is, being more involved in her career than in her private life. Young is a natural host or diplomat.
Loretta Young has a great rapport with the opposite sex, and love relationships, romance, and passion are absolutely vital to her well-being. It is rare for Loretta to go very long without an intimate companion. The physical component of relationships is also very important to Young. Artistic creations and projects are another way for Loretta Young to channel her passion.
Loretta Young loves to laugh, celebrate, and to enjoy herself with her companions. Emotionally open and easygoing, Loretta considers just about anyone a friend or potential friend. Her good humor and friendliness make her quite popular and well-liked. At times, Loretta Young overdoes the festivities, but she rarely regrets this.
Loretta's pleasure-loving nature and her emotional and material generosity discussed above are counterbalanced by a certain caution or restraint in expressing her affection, and by a fear of heartache. At times Loretta Young is likely to be the jovial, friendly, rather extravagant person mentioned previously, but at other times she is far more contained as described here. Because she is upbeat and fun-loving, people probably do not suspect how sensitive Young is to being left out or unappreciated.
She is serious and finds it difficult to enjoy herself in a lighthearted, open and playful way with others. Loretta Young rarely does something purely for pleasure, and can be very close-fisted and parsimonious. Perhaps due to painful separations in her early life, Loretta is very cautious about becoming involved in close relationships and sharing her feelings. Though Young craves love and affection, intimacy is difficult for her. She may become romantically involved with people who do not value her or treat her well. Loretta Young needs to learn to love and value herself before she finds happiness in love.
Loretta Young loves deeply, passionately and wholeheartedly, and others may find her intensity either extremely attractive or threatening. She is charismatic and can have a powerful emotional impact on others, especially those of the opposite sex. Young may use her attractiveness to manipulate others, sometimes without even realizing it.
Astrological factors in this Astro Profile section:
Moon in Capricorn
Moon in 7th house
Moon Opposition Neptune/Pluto
Moon Opposition Neptune/Asc.
Venus in Aquarius
Venus in 10th house
Venus Sextile Mars
Venus Sextile Jupiter
Venus aspects Jupiter and Saturn
Venus Square Saturn
Venus Trine Pluto