Kim Mathers in Relationships
Open and generous, Kim Mathers enjoys a wide circle of friends and acquaintances and she thrives on sociability and fellowship. She is adventurous, playful, freedom loving, and always ready for a good time. Mathers rarely allows obstacles or difficulties to keep her down, for no matter how bleak the past or present, Kim always expects a better, brighter future. In fact, she is uncomfortable with her own or other people's problems and emotional pain. Kim Mathers often tries to "cheer up" or offer philosophical advice to those who are hurting, but she unwittingly avoids or ignores the emotions involved.
Friendship means a great deal to Mathers, perhaps even more than love relationships or romance. For Kim Mathers to be happy, her mate must be her best friend and encourage Kim's aspirations and ideals. Kim Mathers also needs a great deal of emotional freedom and mobility.
Though she wants close relationships very much, Kim Mathers often closes herself off and does not really trust others who may wish to get to know her. Mathers is very wholehearted in her feelings and responses to people, and she wants all or nothing from the people she cares for.
Kim Mathers feels that she must always be doing something, and she becomes impatient and irritable if she has to slow down or wait for anything. A stormy home life may be the result of her own tendency to fight for what she wants, rather than compromise. Kim may not realize how competitive she is.
Although she is impetuous and easily provoked (as mentioned above), Kim Mathers also has a good-natured, live-and-let-live attitude and a sense of humor, which balances it all out. While hotheaded at times, she is usually a good sport.
Kim Mathers has a buoyant, cheerful disposition and she reaches out to others in a warm, open and friendly way. Her emotional generosity and lack of pettiness is well known among her circle of friends, and people often seek Kim out for help, sympathy or advice. Kim Mathers is always willing to overlook others' faults, and she sometimes overdoes her charitableness.
Although Mathers gets hot under the collar rather easily (as mentioned above), she also has a certain degree of emotional self-control and composure, which enable Kim Mathers to rein in some of her more aggressive tendencies. This side of her is described below.
There is another side to Kim Mathers as well, a rather introverted, self-contained, even pessimistic side which tempers her good cheer and generosity, as discussed below.
Mathers can be hard to get close to. Subconsciously she may feel that too much closeness in her relationships will interfere with doing what she needs to do and being her own person, so Kim Mathers puts up subtle walls and distance herself when someone begins to want more of her than she can comfortably give. However, Mathers may cut off sources of emotional nourishment and support that way, and end up feeling alone and lonely. Kim Mathers might even develop digestive problems. Overcoming her fears of intimacy, while at the same time affirming and acting on her autonomous needs, is the challenge here.
Kim Mathers has a somewhat excitable disposition and her moods and thoughts change rapidly. Enterprising, original and intuitive, Kim Mathers has an instinctive correct grasp of a subject. She is intellectual, resents interference and it is hard to deceive her.
Kim Mathers has a magnetic personality, are unconventional, and a bit unpredictable. Kim loves to flirt and is likely to have sudden romantic relationships that do not always last. Kim Mathers likes variety and always is seeking new experiences with people.
She is open and unconventional in her attitude towards love relationships, romance and sex. She enjoys socializing, bringing people together and having many friends of both sexes. Kim Mathers values friendship very highly and in fact, she is more comfortable being a friend than a lover. Kim desires an intellectual rapport or spiritual bond with her love partner, but deep intimacy and emotional bonding do not come easily to her. The traditional "husband" and "wife" roles do not appeal to Mathers, and she abhors jealousy and possessiveness since she feels that no person truly "belongs" to another. Kim Mathers appreciates relationships in which her love partner allows her plenty of freedom and is not very emotionally demanding.
Mathers is a very sociable, congenial person and she wilts very quickly without relationships with good friends and people to share good times with. Kim Mathers thoroughly enjoys working with others on group projects or community activities. She is quite happy when she is a part of a club, support group, or team of some sort.
Her love feelings are easily aroused and her romantic relationships begin with a sudden electric attraction, but they often end abruptly, and Mathers may be in and out of love relationships - especially in her younger years. Kim Mathers craves emotional excitement and needs to feel spontaneous and free, so she may avoid making firm personal commitments. Unusual or nontraditional forms of love and relationships appeal to Mathers, and she is attracted to unique, creative or unstable people.
Kim Mathers loves deeply, passionately and wholeheartedly, and others may find her intensity either extremely attractive or threatening. She is charismatic and can have a powerful emotional impact on others, especially those of the opposite sex. Mathers may use her attractiveness to manipulate others, sometimes without even realizing it.
She is rich in feelings and has the ability to express them well. Kim Mathers has a knack for making others feel good and is likely to enjoy a harmonious sex-life. Kim also has a strong need to create and may have a flair for designing fashionable clothes.
Astrological factors in this Astro Profile section:
Moon in Sagittarius
Moon in 8th house
Moon Conjunct Mars
Moon aspects Mars and Jupiter
Moon Square Jupiter
Moon aspects Mars and Saturn
Moon aspects Jupiter and Saturn
Moon Quincunx Saturn
Moon Conjunct Mercury/Uranus
Moon Conjunct Venus/Uranus
Venus in Aquarius
Venus in 11th house
Venus Square Uranus
Venus Trine Pluto
Venus Conjunct Mars/Jupiter