John Barry in Relationships
Even-tempered and peace loving, he is not easily ruffled and is rarely given to emotional displays. John Barry has a calming effect on more high-strung or volatile people, and an emotional steadiness that others find soothing. Though gentle and not easily provoked, Barry is tremendously stubborn and resists any change that requires an emotional adjustment, such as changes in his home life or marriage.
John Barry seeks security and loyalty in love relationships, is extremely devoted to his loved ones and provides a warm, nurturing atmosphere for them. However, Barry tends to cling to others and prevent them from changing.
A great deal of physical affection, closeness and touching is crucial to John's well-being, and he has a tendency to overindulge in sensual comforts and pleasures. At times John Barry substitutes food for emotional comfort and love.
John has strong attachments to his past, the place where he grew up, his heritage, and family traditions. In fact, John Barry may be unable to step out of the habits and roles that he learned as a child. Barry's tie to his mother is very strong and John Barry also seeks nurturing and protection from his spouse and other family members as well.
There is a side to John Barry which loves comfort and the easy life, and unless other factors in his chart indicate strong drive and ambition, Barry can be lazy and overly permissive with himself. He enjoys being taken care of and pampered, and self-indulgence is always a temptation for Barry. If John's parents made the unfortunate mistake of indulging him too much as a child, this may be a very hard habit to break. John Barry can be so soft and affectionate that it is hard to say no to him. Eating too many sweets is a vice John is particularly prone to.
John has very deep feelings and profound attachments to people he cares about. His relationships to his mother, sisters, daughters, and other females in his life are apt to be incredibly close and intense. John Barry may be easily manipulated too, when it comes to one of these important relationships, because he is so emotionally invested in it.
His thinking is dictated by his feelings and Barry may rely on his intuitions and impressions rather than practical means. His advice may often be sought and heeded, because John Barry seems to know and understand what motivates others.
John Barry seems to be happy in his environment and is likely to be the center of attraction in his surroundings. John Barry has a kind, warm-hearted and cordial nature and he treats others with sympathetic and compassionate understanding.
In love relationships, John Barry seeks companionship and friendship with someone who is fun loving, playful and open to adventure and new experiences. He enjoys traveling together, meeting new people and making new friends. Honeymooning in a distant location appeals to John, and he is also attracted to foreigners or people with diametrically different backgrounds than his own. John Barry supports his partner in taking risks and making positive changes, rather than preserving the status quo. He also very much wants a partner who will encourage his own aspirations and dreams. It is very important to John that he have a spiritual or intellectual rapport with his love partner, perhaps more important than the emotional/physical aspect. John Barry is not especially sentimental and his love partner may feel that he is too casual and not serious or romantic enough.
John Barry often hides his affection, or finds his feelings difficult to express or get across to the person he loves. Being openly affectionate and trusting often does not seem safe to John. He may feel his love will not be appreciated or reciprocated. John Barry may get involved in secret love relationships or fall in love with a person who is quite unavailable to him. Love and sacrifice often seem to go hand in hand for John Barry - having to give something up to be with the one he loves, or having to relinquish some person or some aspect of an important love relationship.
He is open and progressive in his attitude towards love relationships and romance, and spontaneous and free in the way he expresses his love. John Barry is always willing to experiment and try anything new that his partner suggests, and he enjoys being surprised. A relationship in which both John and his partner have a good deal of freedom and independence will hold Barry's interest much more than a safe, predictable one.
He is prone to get involved in highly intense, even obsessive relationships - "fatal attractions", so to speak. At its darkest, this urge for intensity in the personal arena may compel John Barry to choose friends or mates who are rather dangerous or dishonorable characters with a penchant for manipulating and inflicting pain on their "loved ones". On the other hand, Barry may be tempted to use his own sexuality or charm to play the same sort of game, to use love or friendship as a bargaining chip or to gain power over others. Even if his intentions are basically good, John Barry will find that his closest relationships are rather tumultuous affairs in which some rather unlovely aspects of his (such as jealousy and the desire to dominate or to be a victim) keep showing their faces. These are qualities that need to be understood and ultimately outgrown.
John Barry tends to suppress his feelings and he approaches other people with great reserve. He may feel lonesome, but unable to bridge the gap between him and others. But once John Barry enters a relationship, he will be faithful and steady in his feelings for his partner.
John Barry has a need for calm and peaceful surrounding, but his somewhat passionate nature could bring on arguments and fights about love matters. John Barry loves his work and may connect his profession with a hobby in some way.
He is inclined to be rather quiet and humble and go about his business in a very modest way. Feeling sad frequently, John Barry does not seem to have much interest in becoming involved in love relationships.
Astrological factors in this Astro Profile section:
Moon in Taurus
Moon in 4th house
Moon Quincunx Venus
Moon Sextile Pluto
Moon Opposition Mercury/MC
Moon Opposition Jupiter/Asc.
Venus in Sagittarius
Venus in 12th house
Venus Trine Uranus
Venus Quincunx Pluto
Venus Conjunct Sun/Saturn
Venus Conjunct Mars/Asc.
Venus Conjunct Saturn/MC