Joe Louis in Relationships
Serious and responsible, he tries to carry the world on his shoulders and rarely lets others know that he needs help and support. Joe Louis denies or ignores his own emotional needs and feels that others will not accept him if he appears "weak". He is especially uncomfortable with emotional dependency, and tells himself and others (even children) not to be a "baby". Joe Louis needs to accept that no one is self-sufficient all the time, and to be gentler with his "childish" emotional needs and wants. To others, he may appear to be rather hard-nosed and tough, with a businesslike attitude toward their personal concerns and feelings. Actually, no one is a truer friend. His feelings and loyalties run deep, but he often does not let people know how much he cares. Joe Louis also sometimes needs to learn to relax, enjoy himself, and play.
Louis depends a great deal upon other people for emotional support and he has a large "family" of friends who care about him and treat him as kin. The women in Joe's life are particularly important to him, and his relationships with them have a powerful impact on his sense of security and happiness. Joe Louis may be overly dependent and unsure of himself without a close partner.
There is a side to Joe Louis that loves comfort and the easy life, and unless other factors in his chart indicate strong drive and ambition, Louis can be lazy and overly permissive with himself. He enjoys being taken care of and pampered, and self-indulgence is always a temptation for Louis. If Joe's parents made the unfortunate mistake of indulging him too much as a child, this may be a very hard habit to break. Joe Louis can be so softhearted and affectionate that it is hard to say no to him. Eating too many sweets is a vice Joe is particularly prone to.
His will tends to be a bit weak and he seems to lack courage. Somewhat slow to take action, Joe Louis thinks that he will fail because of his inadequacies as a person. He keeps his feelings to himself and should guard against depression and pessimism.
He is subject to strange emotional experiences which could relate to the supernatural. Very sensitive, Joe Louis immediately responds to every influence, resulting in frequent changes of mood. He may be interested in the occult, psychic studies and spiritualism.
In a love relationship, Joe Louis is more interested in the person's sense of humor and intelligence than in her physique. Joe likes a partner who is mentally alive and keeps him guessing and Joe Louis becomes restless and bored with someone who never asks questions, changes or surprises him. It is very important to Joe Louis' happiness to talk, share ideas, go places together and learn new things together. Joe Louis needs ample social stimulation, is somewhat of a flirt, and likes to have many friends of both sexes. Louis finds a possessive, jealous partner very stifling.
Joe Louis often hides his affection, or finds his feelings difficult to express or get across to the person he loves. Being openly affectionate and trusting often does not seem safe to Joe. He may feel his love will not be appreciated or reciprocated. Joe Louis may get involved in secret love relationships or fall in love with a person who is quite unavailable to him. Love and sacrifice often seem to go hand in hand for Joe Louis - i.e. having to give something up to be with the one he loves, or having to relinquish a person or an aspect of an important love relationship.
Intimacy does not come easily to Joe Louis and he may appear cold or unfeeling to others due to his emotional reserve and caution. Perhaps due to painful relationships and separations in his early life, Louis does not trust others very easily and it takes a long time to break down all of his barriers and defenses. He may feel that he has few friends or people that really care about him. Joe Louis needs to learn to value and love himself more and to express his appreciation for others more openly.
When it comes to love relationships, Louis is likely to feel pulled in several directions at once. In addition to his desire for depth and security in his relationships, Joe Louis has an impulsive side and a need for a lot of variety and excitement, as discussed in the following paragraphs. These urges do not have to conflict, but they certainly can, especially if Joe acts on his spontaneous impulses without much consideration for their long-term effects on his personal life.
He is open and progressive in his attitude towards love relationships and romance, and spontaneous and free in the way he expresses his love. Joe Louis is always willing to experiment and try anything new that his partner suggests, and he enjoys being surprised. A relationship in which both Joe and his partner have a good deal of freedom and independence will hold Louis' interest much more than a safe, predictable one.
Joe has an affectionate nature and is in harmony with his environment. Charming and friendly, he is on good terms with most of the people in his sphere. His friends and associates mean a lot to Joe Louis and his relationships are positive and loving.
Joe Louis finds it easy to demonstrate his love and affection for others and to talk about love relationships, and Louis tends to reveal his most personal feelings to people in his intimate circle of friends.
Astrological factors in this Astro Profile section:
Moon in Capricorn
Moon in 7th house
Moon Quincunx Venus
Moon Opposition Mars/Saturn
Moon Opposition Neptune/Pluto
Venus in Gemini
Venus in 12th house
Venus Conjunct Saturn
Venus aspects Saturn and Uranus
Venus Trine Uranus
Venus Conjunct Sun/Asc.
Venus Conjunct Mercury/Asc.