Jewel Kilcher in Relationships
Jewel does not appear to be an intensely emotional or sentimental person, and she is often unaware of her own or other people's deeper feelings and emotional needs. Tears and tantrums bewilder her and make her very uncomfortable. Jewel Kilcher would rather settle differences by talking things out reasonably and rationally, but she tends to ignore or poke fun at any attempt to probe her own or others' inner depths.
Jewel Kilcher avoids heavy, demanding emotional relationships and is wary of making personal commitments.
She needs ample mental stimulation and feels close to people with whom she can share thoughts and intellectual interests. Conversation is very important to Kilcher. The strong, silent partner is not for her.
Kilcher gets a lot of emotional fulfillment through her involvement in groups, clubs, organizations, community activities, or a network of close friends who support and care for her. Jewel Kilcher makes friends her family, and she feels a close kinship with people who share some ideals or beliefs that she holds dear. Jewel Kilcher needs close relationships with people outside of her physical family.
Serious and emotionally reserved, Jewel Kilcher was probably never an exuberant, playful child, and she rarely expresses herself in a spontaneous, childlike manner. She is cautious about letting others get close to her and sometimes withdraws from people altogether. At times, Jewel Kilcher feels lonely or isolated, even when she is with people. Learning to appreciate her own company and find satisfying solitary activities is essential to Jewel's emotional well-being.
In addition to Jewel's rather introverted, serious or self-contained side, she has a wild streak and urge for emotional freedom that breaks through erratically. Jewel Kilcher craves both stability and excitement, and the conflict between these two impulses can make Kilcher rather tense and irritable. However, they can also balance each other out. Her freer and unpredictable side will now be described.
She is uninhibited and spontaneous and will often do something unexpected or humorous in order to loosen people up and get them out of their rut. Jewel Kilcher craves emotional stimulation, excitement, surprises and anything new. Kilcher also loves to feel free and unfettered.
Kilcher is reserved and shy and her thinking is controlled and somewhat slow. When talking, Jewel Kilcher sometimes may have the feeling that the words get stuck in her throat. Because of her disciplined mind, Jewel is able to concentrate easily.
Her love feelings and desires are easily aroused but she may find it difficult to sustain her romantic interest in relationships after the initial, exciting "chase and conquest". Jewel Kilcher enjoys a dynamic partner with a strong independent streak, and she does not like things to become too peaceful or predictable in the love arena. Jewel wants to see sparks fly once in awhile, even if it means instigating a fight.
Jewel is attracted to foreigners, exotic places, traveling, and to people who can expand her horizons, teach her something, or show Kilcher places and worlds she has never experienced before. Sharing a philosophy or ideal with her love partner is important to her.
Also, Jewel Kilcher feels love and kinship for people everywhere, not only with her own family, nationality, or group. Finding similarities and making links between people from differing backgrounds or with different perspectives is a gift of hers.
She is intensely amorous and attractive to the opposite sex, and is not inclined to friendly platonic relationships. There is a great deal of tension in her love relationships - often because Jewel Kilcher puts her desires ahead of her partner's, and is impatient to have her love needs satisfied. The whole arena of love relationships, romance and sex is endlessly fascinating to Jewel Kilcher and she is not happy without a love partner. Kilcher can "burn herself out" by pouring so much of her energy into romance.
Jewel Kilcher is not a traditionalist where love and relationships are concerned, and she often feels that formal commitments and conventional relationships are too binding and restricting. Thus, Jewel is not very comfortable with forming lasting attachments or letting other people depend on her. She may be attracted to wild, unreliable, highly creative and/or unstable people who do not offer her any security. Even if Jewel Kilcher professes to want something steady and solid, she is very reluctant to give up her freedom and autonomy for its sake. At best, she is suited to serial monogamy or relationships that leave Kilcher a lot of breathing space.
Astrological factors in this Astro Profile section:
Moon in Gemini
Moon in 11th house
Moon Conjunct Saturn
Moon aspects Saturn and Uranus
Moon Trine Uranus
Moon Conjunct Mercury/Saturn
Venus in Aries
Venus in 9th house
Venus Square Mars
Venus Opposition Uranus