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Jade Goody

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Jade Goody responds very strongly to the emotional tone and atmosphere around her, and can be dominated by her fluctuating and unpredictable moods. Goody often appears irrational to others because she cannot always explain the reason or source of her feelings. Anyone who lives with Jade Goody must accept her ups and downs and appreciate Jade's need for times of withdrawal.

Jade Goody is also very sympathetic and understands the unspoken feelings and needs of others. Jade Goody takes slights and rebuffs very personally and though she may forgive a transgression by a friend or loved one, she never forgets it.

Goody gets a lot of emotional fulfillment through her involvement in groups, clubs, organizations, community activities, or a network of close friends who support and care for her. Jade Goody makes friends her family, and she feels a close kinship with people who share some ideals or beliefs that she holds dear. Jade Goody needs close relationships with people outside of her physical family.

She is uninhibited and spontaneous and will often do something unexpected or humorous in order to loosen people up and get them out of their rut. Jade Goody craves emotional stimulation, excitement, surprises and anything new. Goody also loves to feel free and unfettered.

Highly sensitive and rather easily taken in, Jade Goody needs to beware of deceiving herself and allowing others to take advantage of her impressionability or gentleness. Daydreaming, fantasizing, or other forms of imaginative, escapist behavior (such as watching television excessively or living her life through romance novels) could be something of an addiction for Goody. Jade Goody tends to confuse images with reality and needs to learn to be more circumspect and discriminating. Disappointments through women and in close relationships may occur if Goody does not.

Jade has intense desires and feelings and her personal relationships are deeply emotional, passionate and often stormy and painful as well. Jade Goody has powerful magnetic relationships with those she cares about, and she could become emotionally obsessed by another person. Her feelings can become so urgent and compelling that she behaves irrationally. Jade Goody undergoes periodic emotional upheavals and purging when she must break all ties with the past and begin anew.

Her emotional needs are very important to Jade Goody and she tends to seek approval and recognition from the people in her immediate world. Goody will derive more benefit in activities with others than by keeping to her.

Sensitive and sentimental, Jade Goody is deeply attached to her family, old friends, familiar places and the past. She is romantic and tender in love relationships, and it is of utmost importance to Goody to remember birthdays, anniversaries, family rituals and other personally significant days. Jade Goody seeks caring, emotional support, and security in her love relationships. Jade likes to be needed, as well as to cherish and protect her loved ones, of whom she is somewhat possessive.

Promoting beauty, the arts, or entertainment can make Jade Goody very happy. Jade wants to contribute something positive and loving to the world at large and she wants to be recognized for her beauty, artistic gifts, or loving generosity. Jade Goody may "marry" her work - that is, being more involved in her career than in her private life. Goody is a natural host or diplomat.

Jade Goody shares whatever she has freely and her friends know they can always count on Jade's generosity and support - both emotional and material. Her good-hearted acceptance and tolerance of others' foibles goes a long way toward maintaining harmony in her relationships. Jade Goody also has a lazy streak and sometimes avoids confronting difficult issues in relationships simply because it seems like too much trouble and too petty. Jade likes to socialize and will use any excuse to celebrate with friends. She cannot tolerate being overly restricted by her love partner, and encourages her partner's freedom as well.

Jade's pleasure-loving nature and her emotional and material generosity discussed above are counterbalanced by a certain caution or restraint in expressing her affection, and by a fear of heartache. At times Jade Goody is likely to be the jovial, friendly, rather extravagant person mentioned previously, but at other times she is far more contained as described here. Because she is upbeat and fun-loving, people probably do not suspect how sensitive Goody is to being left out or unappreciated.

She is serious and finds it difficult to enjoy herself in a lighthearted, open and playful way with others. Jade Goody rarely does something purely for pleasure, and can be very close-fisted and parsimonious. Perhaps due to painful separations in her early life, Jade is very cautious about becoming involved in close relationships and sharing her feelings. Though Goody craves love and affection, intimacy is difficult for her. She may become romantically involved with people who do not value her or treat her well. Jade Goody needs to learn to love and value herself before she finds happiness in love.

When it comes to love relationships, Goody is likely to feel pulled in several directions at once. In addition to her desire for depth and security in her relationships, Jade Goody has an impulsive side and a need for a lot of variety and excitement, as discussed in the following paragraphs. These urges do not have to conflict, but they certainly can, especially if Jade acts on her spontaneous impulses without much consideration for their long-term effects on her personal life.

While she may seek loving relationships and an "everlasting" love, this is not easy for Jade Goody to find - or more precisely, to sustain. When Jade becomes romantically involved with someone, either she or the other person will create rifts once a certain level of comfort and predictability has been achieved. Even if there is no outward break in the relationship, a certain emotional aloofness or dissatisfaction is apt to develop. This is because Jade Goody really wants both closeness and absolute freedom - a combination that is difficult to attain. However, if she does not at least attempt to honestly fulfill both of these urges, events seemingly out of the blue will wreak havoc in Jade's closest relationships.

Jade likes to feel at one with the whole world and is cordial and warm-hearted in collaborating with others. Public-spirited, Jade Goody seems to be real content and happy only when she is among other people.

Astrological factors in this Astro Profile section:

Moon in Cancer

Moon in 11th house

Moon Trine Uranus

Moon Quincunx Neptune

Moon Square Pluto

Moon Conjunct Sun/Asc.

Venus in Cancer

Venus in 10th house

Venus Square Jupiter

Venus aspects Jupiter and Saturn

Venus Square Saturn

Venus aspects Saturn and Uranus

Venus Quincunx Uranus

Venus Conjunct Mars/N. Node


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Astro Profile for your personal self-improvement

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Photo Credit: Jade Goody's picture is courtesy of Five TV. Photographic illustrations of Jade Goody are copyright © by their respective holders. The images are published with permission or as allowed by the copyright law's fair use or quotation provisions. If any copyright holder objects to an image being included, please notify us and it will be removed immediately.

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Disclaimer: This information about Jade Goody is derived from astrological interpretation of Jade Goody's date, time, and place of birth.

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