Dodi al-Fayed in Relationships
Serious and responsible, he tries to carry the world on his shoulders and rarely lets others know that he needs help and support. Dodi al-Fayed denies or ignores his own emotional needs and feels that others will not accept him if he appears "weak". He is especially uncomfortable with emotional dependency, and tells himself and others (even children) not to be a "baby". Dodi al-Fayed needs to accept that no one is self-sufficient all the time, and to be gentler with his "childish" emotional needs and wants. To others, he may appear to be rather hard-nosed and tough, with a businesslike attitude toward their personal concerns and feelings. Actually, no one is a truer friend. His feelings and loyalties run deep, but he often does not let people know how much he cares. Dodi al-Fayed also sometimes needs to learn to relax, enjoy himself, and play.
Dodi al-Fayed has a sympathetic nature and instinctively reaches out to people in need of help. Al-Fayed also has a deeply ingrained tendency to want to improve or "fix" other people's lives, which can be annoying to the person who has no desire to be changed or "helped" in this way. For Dodi, affection and caring must be expressed in tangible acts or service of some kind.
Gregarious and fun loving, he is always out to have a good time. Dodi al-Fayed tends to "play now, pay later" and is prone to overspend, overeat, drink too much, and in general overdo, and even more so when in the company of others. It is hard for Dodi al-Fayed to say no, especially when Al-Fayed's emotions or appetites are involved. Generous to a fault, he is likely to be very free both with money and with affection.
His childhood and early home life was in many ways unsettling, and the nurturing Al-Fayed received was erratic and unreliable at best. Dodi al-Fayed has had to move a lot, or Al-Fayed's family may have been blatantly different from other people so that Dodi was often deemed an outsider or a "weirdo". As an adult, Dodi al-Fayed may long for "normalcy" while at the same time he balks at any routine, structure, formality or restrictions.
Dodi al-Fayed often becomes nervous or shaky when emotionally stressed. Developing a regular rhythm and a steady, consistent (if not traditional) way of life would be beneficial to Al-Fayed, both emotionally and physically.
He is a dreamer who is attracted to the inner, mystical side of life, and may have trouble distinguishing the real from the imagined or illusory. Dodi does not enjoy confrontation and becomes very evasive when problems in his personal life or relationships arise, and escapes into his imagination in order to avoid dealing with them directly. He is also rather gullible and naive about people, especially if his sympathy has been aroused. Dodi al-Fayed is very sensitive to music and can use it to achieve emotional balance and harmony.
Powerful and complex emotions stir Dodi al-Fayed, and his emotional life and closest personal relationships are apt to be tumultuous until Dodi does some deep soul searching. Buried feelings and memories that he does not want to deal with may surface at unexpected times. Holding in fears, secrets, or "taboo" thoughts and feelings can only serve to intensify them, and Dodi al-Fayed needs to share them with someone who is sympathetic, trustworthy, and fairly objective. Ridding himself of emotional compulsions and deeply embedded patterns that do not serve him can be tremendously liberating, if Dodi al-Fayed is willing to do the necessary inner house cleaning.
Tremendously softhearted and sympathetic, Dodi al-Fayed gives very selflessly and devotedly to those he loves and often allows others to become overly dependent upon him. More compassionate than passionate, Dodi al-Fayed may become romantically involved with a person because he or she expresses a need for love, rather than out of mutual pleasure or attraction.
He is drawn to sensitive, imaginative, gentle souls - poets, musicians, dreamers - or to someone Dodi feels he can have a deep spiritual relationship with. Dodi al-Fayed idealizes love and has a very beautiful, romantic vision of what love relationships can be.
Dodi al-Fayed craves very intense, deep, emotional relationships, and would even prefer stormy, tumultuous relationships to ones that are smooth but lacking vitality and passion. Dodi loves wholeheartedly and expects all-consuming, total devotion and attention from his partner. Casual, light relationships hold no appeal for Al-Fayed.
Dodi al-Fayed appreciates beautiful surroundings and congenial company, and though he enjoys helping people, Dodi al-Fayed will rarely put himself out too much in the process. He is good-humored and generous at heart but inclined to be lazy.
Dodi's pleasure-loving nature and his emotional and material generosity discussed above are counterbalanced by a certain caution or restraint in expressing his affection, and by a fear of heartache. At times Dodi al-Fayed is likely to be the jovial, friendly, rather extravagant person mentioned previously, but at other times he is far more contained as described here. Because he is upbeat and fun-loving, people probably do not suspect how sensitive Al-Fayed is to being left out or unappreciated.
Loyalty, fidelity and security are very important to Dodi al-Fayed in love relationships. He is cautious about giving his heart away but true to the one who does win his love. His tastes are simple, even austere, and he does not appreciate frivolity. Al-Fayed is interested in a person's character and inner qualities far more than in his or her appearance. Casual or superficial relationships do not interest Dodi al-Fayed at all, for love seems to get deeper and richer and more satisfying for him with time.
When it comes to love relationships, Al-Fayed is likely to feel pulled in several directions at once. In addition to his desire for depth and security in his relationships, Dodi al-Fayed has an impulsive side and a need for a lot of variety and excitement, as discussed in the following paragraphs. These urges do not have to conflict, but they certainly can, especially if Dodi acts on his spontaneous impulses without much consideration for their long-term effects on his personal life.
He is open and progressive in his attitude towards love relationships and romance, and spontaneous and free in the way he expresses his love. Dodi al-Fayed is always willing to experiment and try anything new that his partner suggests, and he enjoys being surprised. A relationship in which both Dodi and his partner have a good deal of freedom and independence will hold Al-Fayed's interest much more than a safe, predictable one.
He may be caught in a conflict between caution and optimism frequently, resulting in restlessness and discontentment. In love relationships, Dodi al-Fayed could feel controlled, rejected or not accepted at times, and at other times experience great ease, happiness and content.
Astrological factors in this Astro Profile section:
Moon in Capricorn
Moon in 6th house
Moon Opposition Jupiter
Moon Opposition Uranus
Moon Square Neptune
Moon Quincunx Pluto
Venus in Pisces
Venus in 8th house
Venus Trine Jupiter
Venus aspects Jupiter and Saturn
Venus Trine Saturn
Venus aspects Saturn and Uranus
Venus Trine Uranus
Venus Opposition Jupiter/Saturn