Bonnie Parker in Relationships
She is very sensitive, cautious, and shy about showing others her feelings. Though she may love and care for someone a great deal, Bonnie Parker rarely expresses her feelings openly and freely. Very often Parker's love for someone is expressed by her wish to help her, do something tangible to benefit her or serve her in some way.
It is also difficult for her to receive warmth, affection or appreciation, for she often feels that she does not really deserve it or that "they do not really mean it". Parker may therefore come across as rather cool and aloof - much more so than she feels.
A deeply ingrained critical attitude often makes Bonnie difficult to live with. Bonnie Parker needs to learn to be gentler and less of a perfectionist with others and with herself.
Bonnie Parker may have done extensive traveling in her early years, or in some way had a background which enables her to understand and identify with many different types of people or cultures.
Parker has a craving for things which are far away and foreign or for things she has never experienced before. Bonnie Parker wants to completely immerse herself in the feelings and tastes of a new place, rather than simply have facts or an intellectual appreciation. Emotionally, too, Bonnie is restless and something of a wanderer.
No matter how she appears on the surface, Bonnie Parker has a very soft heart and others can always appeal to Bonnie's sympathetic, affectionate side. She especially cares about the needs of children, mothers and families, and she wants a love partner who values marriage, home and family as much as she does. Parker is profoundly offended by unkindness or harshness.
She is uninhibited and spontaneous and will often do something unexpected or humorous in order to loosen people up and get them out of their rut. Bonnie Parker craves emotional stimulation, excitement, surprises and anything new. Parker also loves to feel free and unfettered.
Bonnie Parker tends to surround herself with people who are gentle, sensitive, peace-loving, and artistically or spiritually inclined, and there is a strong element of mutual compassion and sympathy in her personal relationships. It is easy for Bonnie to tune in psychically to other people's feelings and emotional worlds. Bonnie Parker may share this type of telepathic link with her mother, sisters, or female friends in particular.
She is getting quickly excited by other people and will probably have many relationships that are terminated just as quickly as they are made. Bonnie Parker does not like to be alone and she always keeps her house open for her friends and acquaintances.
She is quietly devoted and faithful to her loved ones and often becomes subservient to her love partner. Bonnie Parker is more comfortable showing her love by doing or making something for her loved one, or simply being there for her, rather than by making any romantic, soul-stirring declarations. She is timid about expressing too much sentiment or emotion. Bonnie Parker also underestimates her attractiveness and lovability and doubts her own worthiness of love and appreciation.
Bonnie is attracted to foreigners, exotic places, traveling, and to people who can expand her horizons, teach her something, or show Parker places and worlds she has never experienced before. Sharing a philosophy or ideal with her love partner is important to her.
Also, Bonnie Parker feels love and kinship for people everywhere, not only with her own family, nationality, or group. Finding similarities and making links between people from differing backgrounds or with different perspectives is a gift of hers.
She is open and progressive in her attitude towards love relationships and romance, and spontaneous and free in the way she expresses her love. Bonnie Parker is always willing to experiment and try anything new that her partner suggests, and she enjoys being surprised. A relationship in which both Bonnie and her partner have a good deal of freedom and independence will hold Parker's interest much more than a safe, predictable one.
Bonnie Parker has a rich, colorful, dreamy imagination and a refined sense of beauty. Involvement in the arts, or with artistic, sensitive, or spiritually inclined people is very satisfying to her. In her friendships and romantic relationships, Parker tends to be unselfish, giving, and forgiving. Bonnie Parker might enjoy joining with others for charitable events or social service.
Bonnie Parker experiences powerful, compelling emotional and sexual attractions, and she may feel that she has little choice or control over her desires. Bonnie Parker has an intense need for love and may be emotionally greedy or insatiable. Her love relationships are passionate and often tumultuous and painful as well. Jealousy, power struggles or possessiveness can become areas of conflict in her relationships. On the positive side, Bonnie Parker can be unusually creative and bring about beneficial and healing changes in the lives of others, motivated by her deeply felt love.
Bonnie Parker thinks with both her mind and her heart and she has an unobtrusive, empathic intellect. Parker relates to others in an affable, considerate and thoughtful way and always seem to find the right words at the right time.
She is considerate and compassionate and has an innate understanding of the wants and needs of people in general. Bonnie Parker probably will have many pleasant and friendly relationships and her attachment to others is likely to be very deep.
Astrological factors in this Astro Profile section:
Moon in Virgo
Moon in 9th house
Moon Conjunct Venus
Moon Trine Uranus
Moon Sextile Neptune
Moon Opposition Uranus/N. Node
Venus in Virgo
Venus in 9th house
Venus Trine Uranus
Venus Sextile Neptune
Venus Square Pluto
Venus Conjunct Moon/Mercury
Venus Conjunct Moon/MC