Ashley Olsen in Relationships
She is very sensitive, cautious, and shy about showing others her feelings. Though she may love and care for someone a great deal, Ashley Olsen rarely expresses her feelings openly and freely. Very often Olsen's love for someone is expressed by her wish to help her, do something tangible to benefit her or serve her in some way.
It is also difficult for her to receive warmth, affection or appreciation, for she often feels that she does not really deserve it or that "they do not really mean it". Olsen may therefore come across as rather cool and aloof - much more so than she feels.
A deeply ingrained critical attitude often makes Ashley difficult to live with. Ashley Olsen needs to learn to be gentler and less of a perfectionist with others and with herself.
Ashley Olsen has a soft exterior and tends to relate very personally and sympathetically to other people. However, Ashley sometimes lets her emotions overpower her reasoning and logic, and consequently she is sometimes biased in her opinions. Ashley Olsen is impressionable and rather gentle, or at least that is the way she appears. Her feelings are on the surface and Ashley cannot hide her emotions.
Ashley Olsen often feels that she must do something or be something other than what she is in order to receive approval and acceptance from others. She is very sensitive to criticism and easily feels left out or neglected, and though she may appear cool or distant, Olsen actually cares very much about being included. Because she is so sensitive, it may seem easier for Ashley Olsen to withdraw into a shell rather than risk the emotional bumps and bruises she may endure once she lets others really know her in an intimate, personal way. Her reserve and caution make establishing close emotional relationships with others difficult, and Ashley Olsen becomes very attached to the few people she considers "real friends". Olsen can gain inner security and strength through periods of solitude if she views them as times to nourish herself and develop her own interests, rather than as times of loneliness.
The beauty and harmony of her surroundings have a very powerful effect on Olsen's emotions. She is very sensitive and cannot stand to be in an atmosphere where there is discord or dissonance. Gentle, kindhearted, and peace loving, Ashley Olsen is prepared to sacrifice a great deal in order to avoid a fight and to "make everyone happy".
Ashley Olsen seems to have the wrong conception of the world around her and may suffer disappointments frequently. It is difficult for Ashley to adapt herself and to acquire a community spirit, and she cannot achieve the inner understanding with others that she longs for.
Sensitive and sentimental, Ashley Olsen is deeply attached to her family, old friends, familiar places and the past. She is romantic and tender in love relationships, and it is of utmost importance to Olsen to remember birthdays, anniversaries, family rituals and other personally significant days. Ashley Olsen seeks caring, emotional support, and security in her love relationships. Ashley likes to be needed, as well as to cherish and protect her loved ones, of whom she is somewhat possessive.
Ashley Olsen often hides her affection, or finds her feelings difficult to express or get across to the person she loves. Being openly affectionate and trusting often does not seem safe to Ashley. She may feel her love will not be appreciated or reciprocated. Ashley Olsen may get involved in secret love relationships or fall in love with a person who is quite unavailable to her. Love and sacrifice often seem to go hand in hand for Ashley Olsen - having to give something up to be with the one she loves, or having to relinquish some person or some aspect of an important love relationship.
Ashley Olsen simply does not feel alive without vibrant, passionate love relationships in her life, and if her romantic urges are frustrated or if her intimate relationships become too tame or mellow, Ashley Olsen will do something to stir up the flames. Ashley Olsen relates naturally to fighting, competition, tumultuous conflict, and fiery lovemaking. She may be more selfish and demanding than she realizes.
She is strongly attracted to the opposite sex and her relationships tend to be harmonious. Ashley Olsen will probably marry for love and her mate will be a friend to her as well as a lover. The atmosphere in her family life is affectionate and protective.
Ashley Olsen finds it easy to demonstrate her love and affection for others and to talk about love relationships, and Olsen tends to reveal her most personal feelings to people in her intimate circle of friends.
She may be caught in a conflict between caution and optimism frequently, resulting in restlessness and discontentment. In love relationships, Ashley Olsen could feel controlled, rejected or not accepted at times, and at other times experience great ease, happiness and content.
Astrological factors in this Astro Profile section:
Moon in Virgo
Moon in 1st house
Moon Square Saturn
Moon Trine Neptune
Moon Opposition Neptune/N. Node
Venus in Cancer
Venus in 12th house
Venus Opposition Mars
Venus Conjunct Sun/Moon
Venus Conjunct Mercury/Asc.
Venus Opposition Jupiter/Saturn