Alan Alda in Relationships
Alan Alda has frequent emotional outbursts due to his fiery temper and emotional impulsiveness. Alda expresses himself very directly and honestly and no one has to guess what his true feelings are. However, Alan Alda dislikes showing any personal weakness or his need for support, comfort and nurturing. He is often impatient with himself and others. Alan abhors emotional dependency and dislikes "complainers".
Alan Alda inspires others to take positive action in their lives through his own enthusiasm and eagerness to meet life's challenges, and he is attracted to people who are adventurous, courageous and independent. Alan is rather bossy but does not like to be with people that he can boss around too much. He enjoys a good fight sometimes. Relationships that are built on mutual respect and emotional freedom are ideal for Alda.
Alan Alda becomes very cross if he lacks vigorous physical activity. Alda feels his best if he frequently "does battle" on the tennis or racquetball court (or engages in another form of competitive sport).
Alan Alda often makes decisions solely for emotional or personal reasons, because something "feels right" or because he has always done it a certain way and he is uncomfortable changing it. Even when Alda thinks he is being rational, his prejudices, intuitions, and feelings influence his thoughts a great deal. Alan is comfortable talking about feelings and personal subjects, and sharing confidences, which enables others to express their own inner feelings with him as well. Alan Alda has good psychological insight into others.
Alan has conflicting emotional desires and needs which complicate his personal life and relationships. He may feel that he cannot depend on his love partner to take care of him or perhaps Alda cannot decide what he really wants in love relationships: a parent or a lover. If his needs for emotional sustenance and love are not satisfied, overeating (especially sweets) can become a problem.
In love relationships, Alan Alda seeks companionship and friendship with someone who is fun loving, playful and open to adventure and new experiences. He enjoys traveling together, meeting new people and making new friends. Honeymooning in a distant location appeals to Alan, and he is also attracted to foreigners or people with diametrically different backgrounds than his own. Alan Alda supports his partner in taking risks and making positive changes, rather than preserving the status quo. He also very much wants a partner who will encourage his own aspirations and dreams. It is very important to Alan that he have a spiritual or intellectual rapport with his love partner, perhaps more important than the emotional/physical aspect. Alan Alda is not especially sentimental and his love partner may feel that he is too casual and not serious or romantic enough.
Alan Alda often hides his affection, or finds his feelings difficult to express or get across to the person he loves. Being openly affectionate and trusting often does not seem safe to Alan. He may feel his love will not be appreciated or reciprocated. Alan Alda may get involved in secret love relationships or fall in love with a person who is quite unavailable to him. Love and sacrifice often seem to go hand in hand for Alan Alda - having to give something up to be with the one he loves, or having to relinquish some person or some aspect of an important love relationship.
He is open and progressive in his attitude towards love relationships and romance, and spontaneous and free in the way he expresses his love. Alan Alda is always willing to experiment and try anything new that his partner suggests, and he enjoys being surprised. A relationship in which both Alan and his partner have a good deal of freedom and independence will hold Alda's interest much more than a safe, predictable one.
His attitude is positive and harmonious and Alan Alda impresses others as a very caring individual. He is very friendly and pleasant when he is with other people and knows how to make himself popular. He is likely to have a very happy family life.
Astrological factors in this Astro Profile section:
Moon in Aries
Moon in 3rd house
Moon Square Venus
Venus in Sagittarius
Venus in 12th house
Venus Trine Uranus
Venus Conjunct Jupiter/N. Node